Giuliano Torrengo (torrengo)
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4th Lugano Ca' Foscari Workshop in Analytic Metaphysics, New Trends in the Philosophy of Persistence, Ninth Annual Conference of the International Association for the Philosophy of Time (IAPT), Eidos Seminar 2023, Festschrift for Kevin MulliganContributi a
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Angelone, Luca and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2009. “Bare Particulars and Persistence in Bergmann.” in Gustav Bergmann. Phenomenological Realism and Dialectical Ontology, edited by Bruno Langlet and Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, pp. 139–156. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 29. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Bordini, Davide and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2023. “Fear of the Past.” Ergo 9(13): 357–385, doi:10.3998/ergo.2269.
Borghini, Andrea and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2013. “The Metaphysics of the Thin Red Line.” in Around the Tree: Semantic and Metaphysical Issues Concerning Branching and Open Future, edited by Fabrice Correia and Andrea Iacona, pp. 105–126. Synthese Library n. 361. Dordrecht: Springer.
Casati, Roberto and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2011. “The Not so Incredible Shrinking Future.” Analysis 71(2): 240–245.
Casetta, Elena and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2011. “Paradoxalis Cookbook.” in Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, edited by Anne Reboul. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Book publication: Reboul (2014),
Ciuni, Roberto, Miller, Kristie and Torrengo, Giuliano, eds. 2013. New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism. Basic Philosophical Concepts. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzh22.
Ciuni, Roberto and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2013a. “Presentism and Cross-Temporal Relations.” in New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism, edited by Roberto Ciuni, Kristie Miller, and Giuliano Torrengo, pp. 211–252. Basic Philosophical Concepts. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzh22.
Ciuni, Roberto and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2013b. “Probabilistic Semantics for a Discussive Temporal Logic.” in The Logica Yearbook 2012, edited by Vı́t Punčochář and Petr Švarný, pp. 1–14. London: College Publications.
Frischhut, Akiko M. and Torrengo, Giuliano. 2022. “A Puzzle about Aftertaste.” in Philosophy of Recipes: Making, Tasting, Valuing, edited by Andrea Borghini and Patrik Engisch, pp. 151–168. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2006. “Tenseless Cross-temporal Relations.” Metaphysica 7(2).
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2008a. Time and Cross-Temporal Relations. Filosofie Analtiche – LaBont. Milano: Mimesis Edizioni.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2008b. “Tenseless Time vs. Tensed Truthmakers.” in Fostering the Ontological Turn: Essays on Gustav Bergmann, edited by Rosaria Egidi and Guido Bonino, pp. 253–260. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 28. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110325980.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2010a. “Time, Context, and Cross-Temporal Claims.” Philosophia 38(2): 281–296.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2010b. “Perspectival Truth and Perspectival Realism.” in Context-Dependence, Perspective and Relativity, edited by François Récanati, Isidora Stojanović, and Neftali Villanueva, pp. 333–348. Mouton Series in Pragmatics n. 6. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2012a. “Time and Simple Existence.” Metaphysica 13(2): 125–130.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2012b. “ ‘Essere’ ed ‘essere esistito’ .” Rivista di Estetica 49(1).
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2013a. “Yet Another Confusion About Time Travel.” Disputatio 5(35): 41–56.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2013b. “Propositions and the Metaphysics of Time.” Disputatio 5(37): 315–321.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2013c. “The Grounding Problem and Presentist Explanations.” Synthese 190(12): 2047–2063.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2014. “Ostrich Presentism.” Philosophical Studies 170(2): 255–276.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2016. “Chronometric Explanations.” Philosophia 44(1): 275–287.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2017. “Feeling the Passing of Time.” The Journal of Philosophy 114(4): 165–188.
Further References
Harrington, James. 2015. Time: A Philosophical Introduction. London: Bloomsbury Academic.