Eidos Seminar 2023

spring semester: Thursdays from 14h15 to 15h45. 

autumn semester: Tuesdays from 16h15-17h45.


    The eidos seminar is a structured discussion of pre-read texts (usually draft articles), distributed in advance through its mailing-list. In the autumn 23 semester, participants usually go for drinks and dinner afterwards. To get the papers and invites, subscribe to the google-group. For questions, contact the organiser Giovanni Merlo at giova_merlo@yahoo.it.

    spring semester:

    L208 (4, rue de Candolle) on
    Thursdays from 14h15 to 15h45. 

    Jan Plate: Relations and Roles, 23 February 2023, Geneva

    Robert Michels: Ways of Being Wise, 2 March 2023, Geneva

    Damiano Costa and Alessandro Giordani: Raven on Aristotelian Universals, 9 March 2023, Geneva

    Salim Hirèche: On Reducing Kinds of Modality to Kinds of Essence, 16 March 2023, Geneva

    Lorenzo Cocco: From Physics to Platonism, 23 March 2023, Geneva 

    Jacopo Giraldo: Geometry and Measure of Spatial Extension, 30 March 2023, Geneva

    Paolo Natali: Plato's Early Ontology of Affections, 6 April 2023, Geneva

    Giovanni Merlo: Against Two-Faced Eternalism, 20 April, 2023, Geneva

    Giuliano Torrengo: The Passage of Time, 27 April 2023, Geneva

    Fabrice Correia: Factual Equivalence—One-Sided vs Two-Sided, 4 May 2023, Geneva

    L. A. Paul: Reverse Engineering a Self, 11 May 2023, Geneva


    autumn semester:

    Tuesdays 4h15-5h45pm
    in the Philosophes building (room PHIL013)

    Florian Fischer: Dynamicity, 26 September 2023, Geneva

    Robert Michels: Ways of Being Wise II – Ultimate Wisdom, 3 October 2023, Geneva

    Alessandro Cecconi: Proper parthood matters, 10 October 2023, Geneva

    Jan Plate: Towards an Ontology of States and Roles, 17 October 2023, Geneva

    24 October 2023: no meeting

    Simon-Pierre Chevarie-Cossette: Deliberation and the Possibility of Skepticism, 31 October 2023, Geneva

    Ryan Miller: Looking for Levels, 14 November 2023, Geneva

    Fabrice Correia: Location by Proxy, 21 November 2023, Geneva

    Lorenzo Cocco: Modern Physics Is Platonic, 28 November 2023, Geneva

    Alyssa Ney: chapters from "The Fundamentality of Physics", 5 December 2023, Geneva

    Philip Goyal: Dissolving Zeno’s paradox of motion via Complementarity Property Models of Observations, 12 December 2023, Geneva

    Claudio Calosi: Reasons for Regions, 19 December 2023, Geneva