From its webpage
"Inbegriff is a research group devoted to understanding and evaluating Austro-German philosophy.
The Austro-German tradition originates in the works of Bernard Bolzano and, above all, Franz Brentano. Putting description, scientific method and a concern for clarity at the core of his philosophical and psychological inquiries, Brentano’s thought was explicitly directed against the dominant, speculative philosophical stance in the German-speaking world, post-Kantian idealisms, and a variety of naturalisms. The first layer of the Austro-German tradition is made up of Brentano’s earliest students, Carl Stumpf, Anton Marty, Christian von Ehrenfels, Alexius Meinong, Edmund Husserl and Kazimierz Twardowski. Under their influence, Brentano’s seminal views in the philosophy of mind and language, logic, ontology, ethics and value theory spread out over Central Europe, in Germany, thanks to Stumpf and Husserl, and in Prague, Graz and Lvov, thanks to Marty, Meinong and Twardowski. The students and other heirs of these philosophers include the Gestalt-psychologists in Graz, Berlin and Vienna, the early phenomenologists in Germany, and many other thinkers. Besides, thanks to Twardowski and Husserl, Bolzano’s “Anti-Kantian” philosophy slowly began to become known, a process which continues apace.
Inbegriff aims to understand the history of Austro-German philosophy by studying the works of individual authors and by identifying common positions and disagreements, notably in descriptive psychology, semantics, formal ontology and the theory of value.
Inbegriff also aims to evaluate philosophically Austro-German philosophies and contribute to current debates, which can often be traced back to earlier Austro-German discussions, such as the theory of intentionality, the analysis of different types of mental acts and states, the relation between pragmatics and semantics, the ontology of relations, tropes and states of affairs, and value theory.
The main activities of the research group will be the organization of an Annual Conference on Austro-German Philosophy, the organization of a series of workshops, the teaching of a yearly course at the University of Geneva, and the constitution of a reading group, which brings together students and scholars from Geneva and elsewhere. Moreover, Inbegriff will host national and international research projects on Austro-German philosophy."
Events 2024
- 11-13 septembre 2024 : Historiography of Philosophy - Problems and Prospects, Boulevard des Philosophes 22, 1205 Geneve, Room Phil211
- 14.05.24, Austrian Philosophy – Between Bolzano and the Vienna Circle, OCET Workshop with Lucas Baccarat (Vienna), Romain Büchi (Geneva), Christian Damböck (Vienna), Julia Franke-Reddig (Geneva), Room C1/C2, Colladon, 10:00 - 18:00
- 22.04.24, Brentano and Comte, Bruno Poli, Room 103, Colladon, 10:00 - 12:00
- 19.03.24 Mathematical Concepts, Romain Büchi Room 103, Colladon, 10:00 - 16:00
- 13.03.24 Mach's Influence on Schlick, Julia Franke Reddig Room 103, Colladon, 14:00 - 16:00