The eidos seminar is a structured discussion of pre-read texts (usually draft articles), distributed in advance through its mailing-list. To get the papers and invites, subscribe to the google-group. For questions, contact the organiser Giovanni Merlo at
Tuesdays from 16:15-17:45. PHIL204 (Philosophes Building)
autumn semester:
- 24 September: Eidos Talk: Zee R. Perry (Birmingham)
- 1 October: Ryan Miller
- 8 October: Alessandro Cecconi
- 15 October: Eidos Talk: David Builes (Princeton)
- 22 October: Eidos Talk: Robert Trueman (York)
- 29 October: Florian Gatignon
- 12 November: Carla Peri
- 19 November: Maria Nørgaard
- 26 November: Markel Kortabarria
- 3 December: Annica Vieser
- 10 December: Marco Marabello
Tuesdays from 16h15-17h45. PHIL013 (Philosophes Building)
spring semester:
- February 27: Simon Evnine: The Human Being in the Age of Biological Reproduction
- March 5: Vincent Grandjean: Indeterminate Personal Identity
- March 12: Alessandro Cecconi: To Be Done With All This Measuring of Truth
- March 19: Lisa Vogt: Upwards Essence
- March 26: Andrea Lupo: Immanence and Self-instantiation
- April 2: Easter break - no session
- April 9: Patrik Engisch: Locked-in and Expandable Creative Domains
- April 16: Robert Michels: A Partial Defence of the Property View of Predicates
- April 23: Tim Riedel: Are There Kripkean Necessary A Priori Truths, Really?
- April 30: Riccardo Baratella: Perdurantism, Common-sense, and Reconciliatory Strategies
- May 7: Nathaniel Baron-Schmitt: Haecceitism Untethered
- May 14: Alex Moran: Contingent Grounding Physicalism