The eidos seminar is a structured discussion of pre-read texts (usually draft articles), distributed in advance through its mailing-list. To get the papers and invites, subscribe to the google-group. For questions, contact the organiser Giovanni Merlo at
Tuesdays from 16:15-17:45. PHIL204 (Philosophes Building)
spring semester:
- 18 February: Eidos Talk: Gurpreet Rattan (Toronto)
- 25 February: Eidos Talk: Jeroen Smid (Amsterdam)
- 4 March: Eidos Talk: Catharine Diehl (Leiden)
- 11 March: Elisa Ballabio
- 18 March: Fabrice Correia
- 25 March: Eidos Talk: Sebastian Rödl (Leipzig)
- 1 April: Alessandro Cecconi
- 8 April: Dirk Franken (Fribourg)
- 15 April: Tibo Rushbrooke (Oxford)
- 29 April: Eidos Talk: Bryan Pickel (Glasgow)
- 6 May: Andrea Lupo (Lugano)
- 13 May: Eidos Talk: Barbara Vetter (Freie Universität Berlin)
Fall semester