July 2023 Newsletter


Swiss Philosophy Newsletter

Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*

We are pleased to finally be able to send you the new version of our newsletter. This month, our topic are studies and students. We have collected student testimonies in French and German and started a new project, "Starters' Kits", which aims to collect short contributions for some of the most important philosophers and schools in one place. The contributions will include citations and recommendations for good introductions or translations. They will be written by experts in the respective fields. On the page "Philosophical Papers" (philosophische Arbeiten, travaux philosophiques, tesi filosofiche), we will collect proseminar and seminar papers, and on the page "Go Abroad" (Ab ins Ausland, Partir), reports on experiences from far away - just send them to info@philosophie.ch

We would be very pleased if you would forward this newsletter or the link: http://eepurl.com/hVZguP to some acquaintances. That would be very kind of you. 

Of course, we are also very happy about other forms of support, be they financial or in terms of content! We also have announced new competitions, jobs and internships

Monte Verità, August 20-24

You can finally register for the Monte Verità Congress! Discuss your research projects with us during three days high above Lago Maggiore. 

Obituaries and Job Offers

The Swiss philosopher Peter Bieri (aka Pascal Mercier) died on 27.6.2023 - would anyone like to write an obituary?
We have updated our job offers page - please send advertisements to info@philosophie.ch

Biannual symposium of the Swiss Philosophical Society (SPG, SSP, SFI)

The Swiss Philosophical Society will hold its biannual congress in Bern from 28 to 30 August 2023. The theme is "Concepts and Their Uses". Look at the nannouncement and the programme. 

Congrès de l'ASPLF, Neuchâtel, 22.-26. August

The "Association des Sociétés de philosophie de Langue Française" organises a congress every two years, which will take place this year in Neuchâtel. More information. The congress is organised by the "Groupe Neuchâtelois" of the Société Romande de Philosophie.


Ukraine / Fascism

Current events in Ukraine and the US bring back memories of dark chapters of the 20th century. Where claims to power threaten to systematically suppress state sovereignty and human rights, the spectre of fascism is once again becoming a bitter reality. You can read what the psychology of fascism is all about and what the consequences are for the civilian population in contributions by Daniel StrassbergEmilia Sulek and two articles by Constantin Seibt (1 / 2).

Philosophical message board

Studying philosophy is enriching - but it can also be quite lonely. You quickly become engrossed in topics where fellow students helplessly shrug their shoulders. That's why we have "philosophical advertisements" on our portal: This gives you the opportunity to network with other people interested in philosophy, to form reading groups or to discuss philosophical topics.

Of Shitstorms and Cancel-Culture

When opposing world views collide, a conflict usually arises, fuelled by the persuasive force of the better argument. But what happens when even the premises become the subject of dispute? Recent digital phenomena show that shared reality can degenerate into an arena of irreconcilability through the space of atomised opinion groups. Alex Byrne describes his personal gauntlet in meticulous detail in times of social media outrage and virtue signalling.

Features and Projects

Those interested in studying philosophy often do not know exactly how philosophy is done at university. This article by Rafaela Schinner aims to clear up some of the most common false expectations. And make you want to study philosophy!

Un oeil sur la France

In probably no other country does philosophy occupy such a prominent position in the public sphere as in France. With our new thematic focus (in French, but also German, English and Italian), we want to present and expand this discussion and open it up to the uninitiated.

Stimmen aus dem Studium / Ma vie à l'uni / Voci dallo studio

Why study philosophy of all things? The best people to answer this question are those who have completed a philosophy degree. We have compiled several reports on the experiences of students. Contribute your own!

We're always interested in people curating discussions. Please contribute to, in whatever language: 
Calls and Announcements

Project: The Philosophy of the Swiss Music Scene

The first events of the science communication project have taken place, first collaborations between philosophers and artists have been initiated, some philosophical texts have been prepared (1, 2, 3). Ideas, suggestions, collaborations? Any input is welcome.

Essay Competition: The Soundtrack of My Mind

In connection with the Agora project, Philosophie.ch is organising a competition to combine music and philosophy. Entries of any kind and in any format, in German, English, French or Italian, are requested by 31 August to info@philosophie.ch. The three winners will each receive CHF 100 in prize money. 

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You find us interesting and know someone who should become aware of us? Just send the newsletter on! Thank you in advance!

Copyright © 2023 Philosophie.ch, All rights reserved.

Our postal address is:
Philosophie.ch, Fabrikgässli 1, CH-2502 Biel/Bienne

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