Alex Byrne (byrne-a)
My contributions to
Byrne, Alex. 1993a. “Truth in Fiction: The Story Continued.”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71(1): 24–35.
Byrne, Alex. 1993b. “Review of Currie (1990).”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71: 503–505.
Byrne, Alex. 1993c. “Review of Mellor (1991).” The
Philosophical Review 102: 285–287.
Byrne, Alex. 1994a.
“Behaviourism.” in A
Companion to the Philosophy of Mind, edited by Samuel D.
Guttenplan, pp. 132–139. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9781405164597.
Byrne, Alex. 1994b. “Review of Bilgrami (1992).”
The Philosophical Review 103: 356–358.
Byrne, Alex. 1996a. “On Misinterpreting Kripke’s Wittgenstein.”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56.
Byrne, Alex. 1996b. “Spin Control: comment on McDowell (1994).” in
Philosophical Issues 7: Perception, edited by
Enrique Villanueva, pp. 261–273.
Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Byrne, Alex. 1997. “Some like It HOT: Consciousness and Higher-Order
Thoughts.” Philosophical Studies 86(2): 103–129.
Byrne, Alex. 1998a.
“Interpretivism.” in
Response-Dependence, edited by Roberto Casati and Christine Tappolet, pp. 205–230. European Review of Philosophy n. 3. Stanford,
California: CSLI Publications.
Byrne, Alex. 1998b. “Dennett vs. Gibson [Comments on Pessoa, Thompson and Noë
(1998)].” Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Byrne, Alex. 1998c. “Review of Kim (1996).” The
Philosophical Review 107: 113–115.
Byrne, Alex. 1999a. “Cosmic
Hermeneutics.” in Philosophical Perspectives 13:
Epistemology, edited by James E. Tomberlin, pp. 347–383. Oxford: Blackwell
Byrne, Alex. 1999b. “Subjectivity is No Barrier [Comments on Palmer
(1999)].” Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Byrne, Alex. 1999c. “Review of Vision (1997).” The
Philosophical Review 108: 415–418.
Byrne, Alex. 2000. “Chalmers’
Two-Dimensional Argument Against Physicalism.”
MIT Working Papers in Linguistics and Philosophy
Byrne, Alex. 2001a. “Do Colours Look Like Dispositions? Reply to Langsam (2000) and
Others.” The Philosophical Quarterly 51(203):
Byrne, Alex. 2001b.
“Intentionalism Defended.” The
Philosophical Review 110(2): 199–240.
Byrne, Alex. 2001c. “Review of Stroud (2001).” The
Philosophical Quarterly 51(204): 395–398.
Byrne, Alex. 2001d. “Review of Carruthers (2000).”
Mind 110: 1057–1062.
Byrne, Alex. 2001e. “Chalmers on Epistemic Content.”
Unpublished manuscript.
Byrne, Alex. 2002a. “Yes, Virginia, Lemons are Yellow [on Stroud
(2001)].” Philosophical Studies 108(1–2):
Byrne, Alex. 2002b. “Semantic Values? [on Lance and Hawthorne
(1997)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 65(1): 201–207.
Byrne, Alex. 2002c.
“Something About Mary.” Grazer
Philosophische Studien 63: 123–140. “Essays on the
Philosophy of Terence Horgan,” ed. by Johannes L. Brandl and Olga
Byrne, Alex. 2003a. “Color and Similarity.” Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research 66(3): 641–665.
Byrne, Alex. 2003b. “Consciousness and Nonconceptual Content [on Tye
(2000)].” Philosophical Studies 113(3):
Byrne, Alex. 2004a. “How Hard are the Sceptical Paradoxes?”
Noûs 38: 299–325.
Byrne, Alex. 2004b. “Review of Levine (2001).” The
Philosophical Review 113: 594–597.
Byrne, Alex. 2004c. “Review of Tye (2000).” Philosophy
and Phenomenological Research 68(1): 245–247.
Byrne, Alex. 2004d. “What Phenomenal Consciousness is Like.” in
Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness. An
Anthology, edited by Rocco J. Gennaro, pp. 203–226. Advances in Consciousness Research n. 56.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Byrne, Alex. 2004e. “Inverted
Qualia.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Byrne, Alex. 2005a. “Perception and Conceptual Content.” in
Contemporary Debates in
Epistemology, edited by Ernest Sosa and Matthias Steup, 1st ed., pp. 447–483. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 3. Boston,
Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Steup, Turri and Sosa
Byrne, Alex. 2005b.
“Introspection.” Philosophical Topics
33(1): 79–104, doi:10.5840/philtopics20053312.
Byrne, Alex. 2006a. “Color and the Mind-Body Problem.”
Dialectica 60(3): 223–244.
Byrne, Alex. 2006b.
“Comments.” Dialectica 60(3):
Byrne, Alex. 2006c.
“Intentionality.” in The Philosophy of Science. An Encyclopedia,
edited by Sahotra Sarkar and Jessica
Pfeifer, pp. 405–410. London: Routledge.
Byrne, Alex. 2007a. “Possibility and Imagination.” in Philosophical Perspectives 21: Philosophy of
Mind, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 125–144. Oxford: Blackwell
Byrne, Alex. 2007b. “Soames on Quine and Davidson [on Soames (2003)].”
Philosophical Studies 135(3): 439–449.
Byrne, Alex. 2009a. “Experience and Content.” The
Philosophical Quarterly 59(236): 429–451. Reprinted in Hawley and
Macpherson (2011, 60–82).
Byrne, Alex. 2009b. “Sensory
Qualities, Sensible Qualities, Sensational Qualities.” in
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of
Mind, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann, and Sven Walter, pp. 268–280. Oxford
Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199262618.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex. 2010a.
“Recollection, Perception, Imagination.”
Philosophical Studies 148(1): 15–26.
Byrne, Alex. 2010b. “Inverted
Qualia.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Byrne, Alex. 2011a.
“Transparency, Belief, Intention.”
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume
85: 201–221, doi:10.1111/j.1467-8349.2011.00203.x.
Byrne, Alex. 2011b. “Knowing that I Am Thinking.” in
Self-Knowledge, edited by Anthony Hatzimoysis, pp. 105–124. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199590728.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex. 2012a. “Hmm…Hill on the Paradox of Pain [on Hill
(2009)].” Philosophical Studies 161(3):
Byrne, Alex. 2012b. “Knowing
What I See.” in Introspection and
Consciousness, edited by Declan Smithies and Daniel Stoljar, pp. 183–210. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199744794.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex. 2014a. “McDowell and Wright on Anti-Scepticism,
etc.” in Scepticism and
Perceptual Justification, edited by Dylan Dodd and Elia Zardini, pp. 275–297. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199658343.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex. 2014b. “Perception and Evidence.” Philosophical
Studies 170(1): 101–113.
Byrne, Alex. 2015a. “Skepticism about the Internal World.” in
The Norton Introduction to
Philosophy, edited by Gideon Rosen, Alex Byrne, Joshua Cohen, and Seana Valentine Shiffrin, pp. 282–289. New York: W.W. Norton
& Co. Reprinted in Rosen et al. (2018).
Byrne, Alex. 2015b. “Inverted
Qualia.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Byrne, Alex. 2016a. “The Epistemic Significance of Experience.”
Philosophical Studies 173(4): 947–967.
Byrne, Alex. 2016b. “Hill on Mind [on Hill (2014)].”
Philosophical Studies 173(3): 831–839.
Byrne, Alex. 2018. Transparency and Self-Knowledge. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198821618.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex. 2019a. “Perception and Ordinary Objects.” in
The Nature of Ordinary Objects,
edited by Javier Cumpa and Bill Brewer, pp. 6–26. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316612897.
Byrne, Alex. 2019b. “Schellenberg’s Capacitism [on Schellenberg
(2018)].” Analysis 79(4): 713–719.
Byrne, Alex. 2020. “Inverted
Qualia.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Byrne, Alex. 2023. “Philosophy’s No-Go Zone.”, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy,
Byrne, Alex. 2024. “Introspection and Evidence.” in The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of
Evidence, edited by Maria Lasonen-Aarnio and Clayton Littlejohn, pp. 307–328. Routledge
Handbooks. New York: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315672687.
Byrne, Alex, Goldhaber, Charles, Gupta, Anil, Pautz, Adam and Rosenhagen, T. Raja. 2018. “Discussion of Gupta (2018).”
Analytic Philosophy 59(1): 75–88.
Byrne, Alex and Green, E. J. 2023. “Whither Naı̈ve Realism? –
I.” in Philosophical Perspectives
37: Philosophy of Mind, edited by John Hawthorne and Jason Turner, pp. 49–68. Hoboken, New Jersey: John
Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1111/phpe.12180.
Byrne, Alex and Hájek, Alan. 1997. “David Hume, David Lewis, and Decision
Theory.” Mind 105.
Byrne, Alex and Hall, Ned. 1998. “Against the PCA-Analysis.”
Analysis 58: 38–44.
Byrne, Alex and Hall, Ned. 1999. “Chalmers on Consciousness and Quantum
Mechanics.” Philosophy of Science 66: 370–390.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 1995. “Reply to Hyman: Perception and Causation.”
The Journal of Philosophy 92.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R., eds. 1997a. Readings on Colors. Volume 1: The Philosophy of
Color. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R., eds. 1997b. Readings on Colors. Volume 2: The Science of
Color. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 1997c. “Colors and Reflectances.” in Readings on Colors. Volume 1: The Philosophy of
Color, edited by Alex Byrne
and David R. Hilbert, pp. 263–288.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 1997d. “Unique Hues [Comments on van Brakel and Saunders
(1997)].” Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 1999. “Two Radical Neuron Doctrines [Comments on Gold and Stoljar
(1999)].” Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2003a. “Color Realism and Color Science.”
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26(1): 3–21, doi:10.1017/s0140525x03000013.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2003b. “Color
Realism Redux.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26:
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2004. “Hardin, Tye, and Color Physicalism.”
The Journal of Philosophy 101(1): 37–43.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2006. “Hoffman’s ‘Proof’ of the Possibility of
Spectrum Inversion.” Consciousness and Cognition
15: 48–50.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2007a. “Truest
Blue.” Analysis 67(1): 87–92.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2007b. “Color
Primitivism.” Erkenntnis 66(1–2): 73–105, doi:10.1007/s10670-006-9028-8.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2008. “Basic Sensible Qualities and the Structure of
Appearance.” in Philosophical Issues 18:
Interdisciplinary Core Philosophy, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 385–405. Malden, Massachusetts:
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2011. “Are Colors
Secondary Qualities?” in Primary
and Secondary Qualities. The Historical and Ongoing Debate,
edited by Lawrence Nolan, pp. 339–361.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199556151.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2021a. “The Science of Colour and Colour Vision.”
in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of
Colour, edited by Derek Henry Brown and Fiona Macpherson, pp. 123–139. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781351048521.
Byrne, Alex and Hilbert, David R. 2021b.
“Objectivist Reductionism.” in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of
Colour, edited by Derek Henry Brown and Fiona Macpherson, pp. 287–298. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781351048521.
Byrne, Alex and Logue, Heather. 2008.
“Either/Or.” in Disjunctivism:
Perception, Action, Knowledge, edited by Adrian Haddock and Fiona Macpherson, pp. 57–94. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199231546.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex and Logue, Heather, eds. 2009a.
Disjunctivism: Contemporary Readings. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262026550.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex and Logue, Heather. 2009b.
“Introduction.” in Disjunctivism:
Contemporary Readings, edited by Alex Byrne and Heather Logue, pp. vii–xxix. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262026550.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex and Pryor, James. 2006. “Bad
Intensions.” in Two-Dimensional
Semantics: Foundations and Applications, edited by Manuel
Garcı́a-Carpintero and Josep Macià, pp. 38–54. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199271955.001.0001.
Byrne, Alex, Stalnaker, Robert C. and Wedgwood, Ralph, eds. 2001. Fact and Value: Essays on Ethics and Metaphysic for
Judith Jarvis Thomson. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The
MIT Press.
Byrne, Alex and Thau, Michael. 1996. “In Defense of the Hybrid View.”
Mind 105: 139–149.
Byrne, Alex and Tye, Michael. 2006. “Qualia Ain’t in the Head.”
Noûs 40(2): 241–255.
Rosen, Gideon, Byrne, Alex, Cohen, Joshua and Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, eds. 2015. The Norton Introduction to Philosophy. New
York: W.W. Norton & Co. Second edition: Rosen et al. (2018).
Rosen, Gideon, Byrne, Alex, Cohen, Joshua and Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, eds. 2018. The Norton Introduction to Philosophy. 2nd
ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.
Siegel, Susanna and Byrne, Alex. 2017. “Rich or Thin?” in Current Controversies in Philosophy of
Perception, edited by Bence Nanay, pp. 59–80. Current
Controversies in Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
Thomson, Judith Jarvis and Byrne, Alex, eds. 2006. Content and Modality. Themes from the Philosophy of
Robert Stalnaker. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Further References
Bilgrami, Akeel. 1992. Belief and Meaning: The Unity and Locality of Mental
Content. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
van Brakel, Jaap and Saunders, B. A. C. 1997. “Are there Non-Trivial Constraints on Colour
Categorization?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Carruthers, Peter. 2000.
Phenomenal Consciousness: A Naturalistic Theory.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Currie, Gregory. 1990. The Nature of Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Gold, Ian and Stoljar, Daniel. 1999. “A Neuron Doctrine in the Philosophy of
Neuroscience.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Gupta, Anil. 2018. “Outline of an Account of Experience.”
Analytic Philosophy 59(1): 33–74.
Hawley, Katherine and Macpherson, Fiona. 2011. The Admissible Contents of Experience.
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444343915.
Hill, Christopher S. 2009.
Consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Hill, Christopher S. 2014. Meaning, Mind, and Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199665822.001.0001.
Kim, Jaegwon. 1996. Philosophy of Mind. Dimensions of Philosophy Series. Boulder,
Colorado: Westview Press.
Lance, Mark Norris and Hawthorne, John. 1997. The Grammar of Meaning: Normativity and Semantic
Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Langsam, Harold. 2000. “Why
Colours do Look Like Dispositions.” The
Philosophical Quarterly 50(198): 68–75.
Levine, Joseph. 2001. Purple Haze: The Puzzle of Consciousness.
Philosophy of Mind Series. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/0195132351.001.0001.
McDowell, John Henry. 1994. Mind and World. 1st ed. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Mellor, David Hugh. 1991. Matters of Metaphysics. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Palmer, Stephen E. 1999. Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Pessoa, Luiz, Thompson, Evan T. and Noë, Alva. 1998. “Finding Out about Filling In: A Guide to Perceptual
Completion for Visual Science and the Philosophy of
Perception.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21(6):
Schellenberg, Susanna. 2018. The Unity of Perception. Content, Consciousness,
Evidence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198827702.001.0001.
Soames, Scott. 2003. Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century, Volume
2: The Age of Meaning. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
University Press.
Stroud, Barry. 2001. The Quest for Reality: Subjectivism & the Metaphysics
of Colour. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0195151887.001.0001.
Tye, Michael. 2000. Consciousness, Color, and Content. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/2110.001.0001.
Vision, Gerald. 1997. Problems of Vision. Oxford: Oxford University