Postdocs in Philosophy

after the PhD, still hungry for wisdom?

There are a number of ways of doing a philosophy postdoc with Swiss funding. Those eligible for SNSF career funding, may apply for a post-doc mobility fellowship to go abroad or for an Ambizione fellowship, to start their own research group at a Swiss university. While the first makes you in effect an SNSF employee, the latter are paid through universities and are financially very attractive for those universities. As the SNSF has the "Money Follows Researcher" principle, it makes sense to negotiate well.

Choice is much more limited when it comes to other sources of funding: most universities have positions of the "assistant doctoré" / "Doktor- /Oberassistent" kind and some SNSF projects include positions of the "scientific researcher/collaborator" type.   

It is very important for postdoctoral researchers to collaborate and get to know the Swiss scene beyond their own university. This is why we offer

If you have other ideas how to improve the (often difficult) situation of Swiss philosophy post-docs, please let us know

Current Post-doc Mobility Fellowships

recent Post-doc Mobility Fellowships

Current and recent Ambizione and other SNSF post-doc Fellowships