Swiss Philosophical Preprint Series

an Open Access Archive for philosophy papers, projects, handouts and everything else

On this page, we will make freely accessible all documents that are part of our Open Access Archive, the "Swiss Philosophical Preprint Series".

This Archive makes accessible otherwise unpublished philosophical material in pdf form, adds a generic title page and a DOI, a "digital object identifier" that we register with CrossRef and that allows for the persistent citation of the document. 

Archive items are published under a CC-BY licence, which allows authors to reuse the material in any form they wish (including for their own posterior publications), but also protects their intellectual property from plagiarism.

Archived documents are entered into our bibliography and may be cited as follows: 

WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig 2008, "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus", Swiss Philosophical Preprint Series n. 4 DOI 10.12345/XXX

Examples of pieces of work you might want to send us for archiving by the button below:

  • the scientific part of a SNSF project, successful or otherwise
  • scripts and powerpoint slides for courses, seminars, reading groups
  • handouts for courses, reading groups, seminars and research presentations
  • extended handouts for talks, perhaps reworked
  • notes and reading commentaries
  • basically everything you are not working on RIGHT NOW and hope to turn into some academic piece of work somewhen in the future

Qualification papers done in the course of the pursuit of a university degree (PhD / MA / BA theses, seminar papers etc.) are not for the SPPS - they are, or should be, archived by the universities and are listed on our respective pages in German, French or Italian.

By submitting your work to the archive, you testify

  • that you are the/an author of the work, that all the authors are listed, that the work is not plagiarised nor improperly co-authored by AI
  • that the indicated year is when you made the last substantial changes to the piece and that you are not attempting to pre-date your achievements
  • that the material used does not infringe copyright of others or is otherwise illegal

Please submit by pressing the button below and filling in all the fields: 

   submit your original research work to the SPPS   


For SNSF projects, please also provide information about the grant number (if any), the duration and the members of the project - we'll also link it here