Julia Langkau (langkau-j)

Adresse email : julialangkau(at)gmail.com


    Engisch, Patrik and Langkau, Julia, eds. 2023a. Philosophy of Fiction: Imagination and Cognition. New York: Routledge.
    Engisch, Patrik and Langkau, Julia. 2023b. Introduction.” in Philosophy of Fiction: Imagination and Cognition, edited by Patrik Engisch and Julia Langkau, pp. 1–22. New York: Routledge.
    Langkau, Julia. 2016. Emma ist unreif und egozentrisch – Gedankenexperimente und Fiktion.” Philosophie.ch, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy, https://www.philosophie.ch/de/2016-12-28-langkau.
    Nimtz, Christian and Langkau, Julia. 2010. Concepts in Philosophy – A Rough Geography.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 81: 1–11. “New Perspectives on Concepts,” ed. by Julia Langkau and Christian Nimtz.