Henry David Aiken (aiken-hd)
Contributions à Philosophie.ch
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Aiken, Henry David. 1944. “Emotive ‘Meanings’ and Ethical Terms.” The Journal of Philosophy 41(17): 456–470.
Aiken, Henry David. 1946a. “Mr. Demos and the Dogmatism of Mr. Russell.” The Journal of Philosophy 43(8): 214–217.
Aiken, Henry David. 1946b. “Notes on the Categories of Naturalism.” The Journal of Philosophy 43(19): 517–526.
Aiken, Henry David. 1950. “Evaluation and Obligation: Two Functions of Judgments in the Language of Conduct.” The Journal of Philosophy 47(1): 5–22.
Aiken, Henry David. 1963. “The Concept of Moral Objectivity.” in Morality and the Language of Conduct, edited by Hector-Neri Castañeda and George Nakhnikian, pp. 69–106. Detroit, Maryland: Wayne State University Press.
Aiken, Henry David. 1970. “Can American Universities be Depoliticized?” Philosophic Exchange 1: 3–18.
Aiken, Henry David. 1980. “Contra ‘The Moral Point of View’ .” Philosophic Exchange 11: 57–79.
Aiken, Henry David. 1981. “William James as Moral and Social Philosopher.” Philosophic Exchange 12: 55–66.