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Yigal Arens (arens-y)

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    Arens, Yigal. 1992. Multimedia Presentation Planning as an Extension of TextPlanning.” in Aspects of Automated Natural Language Generation: 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Trento, Italy, April 5–7, 1992, edited by Robert Dale, Eduard H. Hovy, Dieter Rössner, and Oliviero Stock, pp. 278–280. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 587. Berlin: Springer.
    Arens, Yigal, Chee, C. Y., Hsu, C. N. and Knoblock, Craig A. 1993. Retrieving and Integrating Data from Multiple Information Sources.” International Journal on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems 2(2): 45–88.
    Arens, Yigal, Dale, Robert, Kerpedjiev, Stephen M., McKeown, Kathleen R., Stock, Oliviero and Wahlster, Wolfgang. 1992. Panel Statements on: Extending Language Generation to Multiple Media.” in Aspects of Automated Natural Language Generation: 6th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Trento, Italy, April 5–7, 1992, edited by Robert Dale, Eduard H. Hovy, Dieter Rössner, and Oliviero Stock, pp. 277–292. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 587. Berlin: Springer.