Bradley Armour-Garb (armourgarb)
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Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2003. “Minimalism, the Generalization Problem and the
Liar.” Synthese 139(3): 491–512.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2004.
“Diagnosing Dialetheism.” in The Law of Non-Contradiction: New Philosophical
Essays, edited by Graham Priest, J. C. Beall, and Bradley Armour-Garb, pp. 113–125. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199265176.001.0001.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2005. “Critical Discussion on Woods (2003).”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83(1): 87–102.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2007.
“Consistent Inconsistency Theories.”
Inquiry 50(6): 639–654.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2008. “Read and Indirect Revenge.” in Unity, Truth and the Liar: The Modern Relevance of
Medieval Solutions to the Liar Paradox, edited by Shahid
Rahman, Tero Tulenheimo, and Emmanuel J. Genot, pp. 19–40. Logic,
Epistemology, and the Unity of Science n. 8. Berlin: Springer.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2010a. “Horwichian Minimalism and the Generalization
Problem.” Analysis 70(4): 693–703, doi:10.1093/analys/anq073.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2010b.
“Goodness Deflated?” Proceedings of the
Aristotelian Society 110(3): 373–381.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2011a. “Contextualism without Pragmatic
Encroachment.” Analysis 71(4): 667–676.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2011b. “Understanding and Mathematical
Fictionalism.” Philosophia Mathematica 19(3):
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2011c. “The Implausibility of Hermeneutic
Non-Assertivism.” Philosophia Mathematica 19(3):
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2012a. “Deflationism (About Theories of Truth).”
Philosophy Compass 7(4): 267–277.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2012b. “The Monotonicity of ’No’ and the No-Proposition
View.” American Philosophical Quarterly 49(1):
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2012c. “No Consistent Way with Paradox.”
Analysis 72(1): 66–75.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2012d. “Challenges to Deflationary Theories of
Truth.” Philosophy Compass 7(4): 256–266.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2013. “A Minimalist Theory of Truth.”
Metaphilosophy 44(1–2): 53–57.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2015. “New Problems for Modal Fictionalism.”
Philosophical Studies 172(5): 1201–1219.
Armour-Garb, Bradley, ed. 2017a.
Reflections on the Liar. New York:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199896042.001.0001.
Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2017b.
“Introduction.” in Reflections on the Liar, edited by Bradley
Armour-Garb, pp. 1–21. New York: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199896042.001.0001.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Beall, J. C. 2004. “Minimalism, Epistemicism, and Paradox.” in
Deflationism and Paradox, edited by
J. C. Beall and Bradley Armour-Garb, pp. 85–96. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199287116.001.0001.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Beall, J. C., eds. 2005a.
Deflationary Truth. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court
Publishing Co.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Beall, J. C. 2005b. “Deflationism:
The Basics.” in Deflationary Truth,
edited by Bradley Armour-Garb and J. C.
Beall, pp. 1–29. LaSalle, Illinois: Open
Court Publishing Co.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Kroon, Frederick William, eds. 2020. Fictionalism in Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190689605.001.0001.
Armour-Garb, Bradley, Stoljar, Daniel and Woodbridge, James A. 2021.
“Deflationism About Truth.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Unger, Peter. 2017. “From No People to No Languages: A Nihilistic Response to
the Liar Family of Semantic Paradoxes.” in Reflections on the Liar, edited by Bradley
Armour-Garb, pp. 22–38. New York: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199896042.001.0001.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2010a. “Truthmakers, Paradox and Plausibility.”
Analysis 70(1): 11–23.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2010b. “Why Deflationists should be Pretense Theorists (and
Perhaps Already Are).” in New
Waves in Truth, edited by Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen and Cory D. Wright, pp. 59–79. New
Waves in Philosophy. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2012. “The
Story About Propositions.” Noûs
46(4): 635–674.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2013. “Semantic Defectiveness and the Liar.”
Philosophical Studies 164(3): 845–863.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2014. “Semantic Defectiveness: A Dissolution of Semantic
Pathology.” in Recent Trends in
Philosophical Logic, edited by Roberto Ciuni, Heinrich Theodor Wansing, and Caroline Willkommen, pp. 1–12. Trends in Logic n. 41. New York: Springer.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2015a. Pretense and Pathology. Philosophical Fictionalism and
its Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2015b. “Truth, Pretense and the Liar Paradox.” in
Unifying the Philosophy of Truth,
edited by Theodora Achourioti, Henri
Galinon, José Martı́nez Fernández, and Kentaro Fujimoto, pp. 339–354. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science
n. 36. Cham: Springer.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2018a. “Summary [of Armour-Garb and Woodbridge
(2015a)].” Analysis 78(4): 687–692.
Armour-Garb, Bradley and Woodbridge, James A. 2018b. “Replies [to Azzouni (2018), Kroon (2018) and
(2018)].” Analysis 78(4): 718–736.
Azzouni, Jody and Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2005. “Standing on Common Ground.” The Journal
of Philosophy 102(10): 532–544.
Beall, J. C. and Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2001. “Can Deflationists be Dialetheists?” The
Journal of Philosophical Logic 30(6): 593–608.
Beall, J. C. and Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2002. “Further Remarks on Truth and
Contradiction.” The Philosophical Quarterly
52(207): 217–225.
Beall, J. C. and Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2003. “Should
Deflationists Be Dialetheists?” Noûs
37(2): 303–324.
Beall, J. C. and Armour-Garb, Bradley, eds. 2004a. Deflationism and Paradox. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199287116.001.0001.
Beall, J. C. and Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2004b. “A
Short Introduction.” in Deflationism and Paradox, edited by J. C.
Beall and Bradley Armour-Garb, pp. 1–6. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199287116.001.0001.
Priest, Graham, Beall, J. C. and Armour-Garb, Bradley, eds. 2004. The Law of Non-Contradiction: New Philosophical
Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199265176.001.0001.
Woodbridge, James A. and Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2005. “Semantic Pathology and the Open Pair.”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71(3): 695–703.
Woodbridge, James A. and Armour-Garb, Bradley. 2010. “Linguistic Puzzles and Semantic Pretence.”
in New Waves in Philosophy of
Language, edited by Sarah Sawyer, pp. 250–284. New
Waves in Philosophy. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Further References
Azzouni, Jody. 2018. “Pathological Pretending [on Armour-Garb and Woodbridge
(2015a)].” Analysis 78(4): 692–703.
Kroon, Frederick William. 2018.
“Pushing the Boundaries of Pretence [on Armour-Garb and
Woodbridge (2015a)].” Analysis 78(4):
Woods, John. 2003. Paradox and Paraconsistency: Conflict Resolution in the
Abstract Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Woods, John. 2018. “Pretendism in Name Only [on Armour-Garb and Woodbridge
(2015a)].” Analysis 78(4): 713–718.