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Thomas William Barrett (barrett-tw)

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    Barrett, Thomas William. 2015a. On the Structure of Classical Mechanics.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66(4): 801–828.
    Barrett, Thomas William. 2015b. Spacetime Structure.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 51: 37–43.
    Barrett, Thomas William. 2016a. What do Symmetries Tell Us About Structure? Unpublished manuscript, accessed October 7, 2016.
    Barrett, Thomas William. 2016b. Equivalent and Inequivalent Formulations of Classical Mechanics.” Unpublished manuscript, accessed October 7, 2016.
    Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans. 2016a. Glymour and Quine on Theoretical Equivalence.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 45(5): 467–483.
    Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans. 2016b. Morita Equivalence.” Unpublished manuscript, accessed October 7, 2016.
    Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans. 2016c. From Geometry to Conceptual Relativity.” Unpublished manuscript, accessed October 7, 2016.
    Barrett, Thomas William and Halvorson, Hans. 2017. Quine’s Conjecture on Many-Sorted Logic.” Synthese 194(9): 3563–3582.