Christian Barth (barth-c)
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Barth, Christian. 2008. “Review of Dascal (2008).” Studia Leibnitiana 40(1): 122–124.
Barth, Christian. 2010a. “Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: ‘Einleitung und Textpassagen’ .” in Ideen. Repräsentationalismus in der frühen Neuzeit.1. Texte, edited by Dominik Perler and Johannes Haag, pp. 299–330. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Barth, Christian. 2010b. “Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: ‘Stellenkommentar’ .” in Ideen. Repräsentationalismus in der frühen Neuzeit. 2. Kommentare, edited by Dominik Perler and Johannes Haag, pp. 287–313. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Barth, Christian. 2010c. “Dauerhafter Adverbialismus.” in Ideen. Repräsentationalismus in der frühen Neuzeit. 2. Kommentare, edited by Dominik Perler and Johannes Haag, pp. 314–338. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Barth, Christian. 2011a. Objectivity and the Language-Dependence of Thought. A Transcendental Defence of Universal Lingualism. London: Routledge.
Barth, Christian. 2011b. “Bewusstsein bei Descartes.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 93(2): 162–194.
Barth, Christian. 2011c. “Leibnizian Conscientia and its Cartesian Roots.” Studia Leibnitiana 43(2): 216–236.
Barth, Christian. 2013. “Die Sprachabhängigkeit des Denkens.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61(5–6): 717–738.
Barth, Christian. 2014a. “The Great Chain of Souls: Leibniz on Soul Unitarism and Soul Kinds.” in Partitioning the Soul. Debates from Plato to Leibniz, edited by Klaus Corcilius and Dominik Perler, pp. 271–298. Topoi – Berlin Studies of the Ancient World n. 22. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Barth, Christian. 2014b. “Leibniz on Phenomenal Consciousness.” Vivarium 52(3–4): 333–357.
Barth, Christian. 2016a. “Consciousness in Early Modern Philosophy [on Thiel (2011)].” Kant-Studien 107(3): 515–525.
Barth, Christian. 2016b. “Leibniz’s Conception of Sensation.” in Leibniz’s Experimental Philosophy, edited by Arnaud Pelletier, pp. 69–92. Studia Leibnitiana Sonderheft n. 46. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Barth, Christian. 2016c. “Descartes on Intentionality, Conscientia, and Phenomenal Consciousness.” Studia Philosophica. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Philosophie 75: 17–32.
Barth, Christian. 2017. Intentionalität und Bewusstsein in der frühen Neuzeit. Die Philosophie des Geistes von René Descartes und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Philosophische Abhandlungen n. 111. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann.
Further References
Dascal, Marcelo, ed. 2008. Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science n. 13. Dordrecht: Springer.
Thiel, Udo. 2011. The Early Modern Subject. Self-Consciousness and Personal Identity from Descartes to Hume. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199542499.001.0001.