Michael Baumgartner (baumgartner-m)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Baumgartner, Michael. 2006. “Probleme einer theoretischen Analyse der Kausalrelation.” in Kausales Schliessen auf der Grundlage von Beobachtungsstudien, edited by N. Kersten and Uta D. Rose, pp. 16–34. Dortmund: BAUA.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2008. “Regularity Theories Reassessed.” Philosophia 36(3): 327–354.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2009. “Interdefining Causation and Intervention.” Dialectica 63(2): 175–194.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2010a. “Interventionism and Epiphenomenalism.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40(3): 359–384.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2010b. “Shallow Analysis and the Slingshot Argument.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 39(5): 531–556.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2010c. “Informal Reasoning & Logical Formalization.” in P.F. Strawson – Ding und Begriff / Object and Concept, edited by Sarah-Jane Conrad and Silvan Imhof, pp. 11–34. Logos n. 18. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110323702.11.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2012. “The Logical Form of Interventionism.” Philosophia 40(4): 751–761.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2013a. “Rendering Interventionism and Non-Reductive Physicalism Compatible.” Dialectica 67(1): 1–27.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2013b. “A Regularity Theoretic Approach to Actual Causation.” Erkenntnis 78(suppl., 1): 85–109.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2014. “Exhibiting Interpretational and Representational Validity.” Synthese 191(7): 1349–1373.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2018a. “The Inherent Empirical Underdetermination of Mental Causation.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96(2): 335–350.
Baumgartner, Michael. 2018b. “Review of Sober (2015).” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96(1): 199–202.
Baumgartner, Michael and Glynn, Luke. 2013. “Introduction to Special Issue on ‘Actual Causation’ .” Erkenntnis 78(suppl., 1): 1–8.
Baumgartner, Michael and Lampert, Timm. 2008. “Adequate Formalization.” Synthese 164(1): 93–115, doi:10.1007/s11229-007-9218-1.
Lampert, Timm and Baumgartner, Michael. 2010. “The Problem of Validity Proofs.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 80: 79–109, doi:10.1163/18756735-90000872.
Further References
Brun, Georg. 2003. Die richtige Formel. Philosophische Probleme der logischen Formalisierung. Logos n. 2. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. Second edition: Brun (2004), doi:10.1515/9783110323528.
Brun, Georg. 2004. Die richtige Formel. Philosophische Probleme der logischen Formalisierung. 2nd ed. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. First edition: Brun (2003).
Sober, Elliott R. 2015. Ockham’s Razors. A User’s Manual. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781107705937.