Gianluigi Bellin (bellin)
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Bellin, Gianluigi. 2004. “Assertions, Hypotheses, Conjectures, Expectations: Rough-Sets Semantics and Proof Theory.” in Advances in Natural Deduction. A Celebration of Dag Prawitz’s Work, edited by Luiz Carlos Pereira, Edward Hermann Hausler, and Valeria de Paiva, pp. 193–242. Trends in Logic n. 39–54. Dordrecht: Springer.
Bellin, Gianluigi, Carrara, Massimiliano, Chiffi, Daniele and Menti, Alessandro. 2014. “Pragmatic and Dialogic Interpretations of Bi-Intuitionism. Part I.” Logic and Logical Philosophy 23(4): 449–480.
Bellin, Gianluigi and Dalla Pozza, Carlo. 2002. “A Pragmatic Interpretation of Substructural Logics.” in Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics. Essays in honor of Solomon Feferman, edited by Wilfried Sieg, Richard Sommer, and Carolyn L. Talcott, pp. 139–163. Lecture Notes in Logic n. 15. Urbana, Illinois: Association for Symbolic Logic.