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Wayne E. Brockriede (brockriede)

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    Brockriede, Wayne E. 1986. Arguing: The Art of Being Human.” in Scientific Realism and Democratic Society – The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher, edited by Wenceslao J. González, pp. 53–68. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 101. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    Brockriede, Wayne E. and Ehring, Douglas. 1960. Toulmin on Argument: An Interpretation and Application.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 46: 44–55. Reprinted in Golden, Berquist and Coleman (1976, 175–198).

Further References

    Golden, James L., Berquist, Goodwin F. and Coleman, William E., eds. 1976. The Rhetoric of Western Thought. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.