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Peter Cave (cave-p)

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    Cave, Peter. 2005. Humour and Paradox Laid Bare.” The Monist 88(1): 135–153.
    Cave, Peter. 2006. ‘About’ Puzzles, Muddles and First Person Inferences.” Philosophical Investigations 29(1): 51–72.
    Cave, Peter. 2009. This Sentence is False. An Introduction to Philosophical Paradoxes. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
    Cave, Peter. 2011. With and Without Absurdity: Moore, Magic and McTaggart’s Cat.” in Philosophy and Religion, edited by Anthony O’Hear, pp. 125–149. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 68. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Goldstein, Laurence and Cave, Peter. 2008. A Unified Pyrrhonian Resolution of the Toxin Problem, the Surprise Examination, and Newcomb’s Puzzle.” American Philosophical Quarterly 45(4): 365–376.