Timothy Chambers (chambers-t)
Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Chambers, Timothy. 1998. “On Vagueness, Sorites, and Putnam’s ‘Intuitionistic Strategy’ .” The Monist 81(2): 343–348.
Chambers, Timothy. 2000a. “A Quick Reply to Putnam’s Paradox.” Mind 109(434): 195–197.
Chambers, Timothy. 2000b. “On Behalf of the Devil: A Parody of Anselm Revisited.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100: 93–113.
Chambers, Timothy. 2001a. “Do Doomsday’s Proponents Think We Were Born Yesterday?” Philosophy 76(297): 443–450.
Chambers, Timothy. 2001b. “Putnam’s Paradox: A Less Quick Reply to Haukioja (2001) and Kroon (2001).” Mind 110(439): 709–714.