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Kenneth W. Church (church-kw)

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    Brill, Eric and Church, Kenneth W., eds. 1996. EMNLP’96. Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Church, Kenneth W. 1980. On Memory Limitations in Natural Language Processing.” PhD dissertation, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Electrical Engineering; Computer Science.
    Church, Kenneth W. 1983. Phrase-Structure Parsing: A Method for Taking Advantage of Allophonic Constraints. 310 Lindley Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 46405: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
    Church, Kenneth W. and Gale, William A. 1991. A Comparison of the Enhanced Good-Turing and Deleted Estimation Methods for Estimating Probabilities of English Bigrams.” Computer Speech and Language 5: 19–54.
    Church, Kenneth W. and Gale, William A. 1995. Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): A Measure of Deviations from Poisson.” in Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora, edited by David Yarowsky and Kenneth W. Church, pp. 121–130. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Church, Kenneth W., Gale, William A., Hanks, Patrick and Hindle, Donald. 1981. Parsing, Word Association, and Typical Predicate-Argument Relations.” in Current Issues in Parsing Technology, edited by Masaru Tomita, pp. 103–112. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Gale, William A. and Church, Kenneth W. 1994. What is Wrong with Adding One? in Corpus-Based Research into Language, edited by N. Oostdijk and P. de Haan, pp. 189–198. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    Gale, William A., Church, Kenneth W. and Yarowsky, David. 1994. Discrimination Decisions for 100,000-Dimensional Spaces.” in Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: Essays in Honour of Don Walker, edited by Antonio Zampolli, Nicoletta Calzolari, and Martha S. Palmer, pp. 429–450. Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Martin, William A., Church, Kenneth W. and Patil, Ramesh S. 1981. Preliminary Analysis of a Breadth-First Parsing Algorithm: Theoretical and Experimental Results.” mit-lcs-tr-261. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    Umemura, Kyoji and Church, Kenneth W. 2000. Empirical Term Weighting and Expansion Frequency.” in Proceedings of the 2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora, held in conjunction with the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, edited by Hinrich Schütze and Keh-Yih Su, pp. 117–123. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Yamamoto, Mikio and Church, Kenneth W. 2001. Using Suffix Arrays to Compute Term Frequency and Document Frequency for All Substrings in a Corpus.” Computational Linguistics 27(1): 1–30.
    Yarowsky, David and Church, Kenneth W., eds. 1995. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.