Austen Clark (clark-au)
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Clark, Austen. 1993. Sensory Qualities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198236801.001.0001.
Clark, Austen. 2000. A Theory of Sentience. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198238515.001.0001.
Clark, Austen. 2004a. “Feature-Placing and Proto-Objects [précis of Clark (2000)].” Philosophical Psychology 17(4): 443–469.
Clark, Austen. 2004b. “Sensing, Objects, and Awareness: Reply to Commentators [to Cohen (2004), Matthen (2004), Rey (2004), and Levine (2004)].” Philosophical Psychology 17(4): 563–589.
Clark, Austen. 2005. “Painfulness Is Not a Quale.” in Pain. New Essays on Its Nature and the Methodology of Its Study, edited by Murat Aydede, pp. 177–198. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Clark, Austen. 2006. “Attention & Inscrutability: A Commentary on Campbell (2002).” Philosophical Studies 127(2): 167–193.
Clark, Austen. 2007a. “Sensory and Perceptual Consciousness.” in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, edited by Max Velmans and Susan Schneider, pp. 445–455. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Clark, Austen. 2007b. “Perception: Preattentive and Phenomenal.” in Philosophy of Psychology and Cognitive Science, edited by Paul R. Thagard, pp. 159–194. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 12. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Clark, Austen. 2008a. “Classes of Sensory Classification: A Commentary on Matthen (2005).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76(2): 400–406.
Clark, Austen. 2008b. “Phenomenal Properties: Some Models from Psychology and Philosophy.” in Philosophical Issues 18: Interdisciplinary Core Philosophy, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 406–425. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
Clark, Austen. 2009. “Location, Location, Location.” in Computation, Cognition, and Pylyshyn, edited by Don Dedrick and Lana Trick, pp. 281–302. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Clark, Austen. 2011. “Vicissitudes of Non-Visual Objects: Comments on Macpherson (2011; O’Callaghan 2011; Batty 2011).” Philosophical Studies 153(1): 175–181.
Clark, Austen. 2012. “Cross-Modal Cuing and Selective Attention.” in The Senses. Classic and Contemporary Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Fiona Macpherson, pp. 375–395. New York: Oxford University Press.
Further References
Batty, Clare. 2011. “Smelling Lessons.” Philosophical Studies 153(1): 161–174.
Campbell, John A. 2002. Reference and Consciousness. Oxford Cognitive Science Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199243816.001.0001.
Cohen, Jonathan. 2004. “Objects, Places, and Perception [on Clark (2000)].” Philosophical Psychology 17(4): 471–495.
Levine, Joseph. 2004. “Thoughts on Sensory Representation: A Commentary on Austen Clarke’s A Theory of Sentience [on Clark (2000)].” Philosophical Psychology 17(4): 541–551.
Macpherson, Fiona. 2011. “Taxonomising the Senses.” Philosophical Studies 153(1): 123–142.
Matthen, Mohan. 2004. “Features, Places, and Things: Reflections on Austen Clark’s Theory of Sentience [on Clark (2000)].” Philosophical Psychology 17(4): 497–518.
Matthen, Mohan. 2005. Seeing, Doing, and Knowing. A Philosophical Theory of Sense Perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199268509.001.0001.
O’Callaghan, Casey. 2011. “On Privations and Their Perception [on Sørensen (2008)].” Acta Analytica 26(2): 175–186.
Rey, Georges. 2004. “A Deflated Intentionalist Alternative to Clark’s Unexplanatory Metaphysics [on Clark (2000)].” Philosophical Psychology 17(4): 519–540.
Sørensen, Roy A. 2008. Seeing Dark Things: The Philosophy of Shadows. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195326574.001.0001.