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William J. Courtenay (courtenay)

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    Courtenay, William J. 1984a. Force of Words and Figures of Speech: The Crisis over ‘Virtus Sermonis’ in the Fourteenth Century.” Franciscan Studies 44: 107–128.
    Courtenay, William J. 1984b. The Dialectic of Omnipotence in the High and Late Middle Ages.” in Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy, edited by Tamar M. Rudavsky, pp. 243–270. Synthese Historical Library n. 25. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Courtenay, William J. 1988. Friedrich von Regensburg und Fribourg Cordeliers 26.” in Die Philosophie im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert: in memoriam Konstanty Michalski (1879-1947), edited by Olaf Pluta, pp. 603–613. Bochumer Studien zur Philosophie n. 10. Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner.
    Courtenay, William J. 1989. Theologia anglicana modernorum at Cologne in the Fourteenth Century.” in Die Kölner Universität im Mittelalter, edited by Albert Zimmermann, pp. 245–254. Miscellanea Mediaevalia n. 20. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Courtenay, William J. 1992. Peter of Capua as a Nominalist.” Vivarium 30(1): 157–172.
    Courtenay, William J. 1995. Erfurt CA 2 127 and the Censured Articles of Mirecourt and Autrecourt.” in Die Bibliotheca Amploniana im Spannungsfeld von Aristotelismus, Nominalismus und Humanismus, edited by Andreas Speer, pp. 341–352. Miscellanea Mediaevalia n. 23. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Courtenay, William J. 1997. The Arts Faculty at Paris in 1329.” in L’enseignement des disciplines à la Faculté des arts (Paris et Oxford, XIIIe-XIVe siècles), edited by Olga Weijers and Louis Holtz, pp. 55–70. Studia Artistarum. Études sur la faculté des arts dans les Universités médiévales n. 4. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Courtenay, William J. 2000. The Academic and Intellectual Worlds of Ockham.” in The Cambridge Companion to Ockham, edited by Paul Vincent Spade, pp. 17–30. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Courtenay, William J. 2005. Michael de Montecalerio : Buridan’s opponent in his quaestio de puncto.” Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge 72: 323–331.
    Courtenay, William J. 2007a. Reflections on Vat. lat. 1086 and Prosper of Reggio Emilia, O.E.S.A. in Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: The Fourteenth Century, edited by Christopher Schabel, pp. 345–358. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition n. 7. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Courtenay, William J. 2007b. Postscript: The Demise of Quodlibetal Literature.” in Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: The Fourteenth Century, edited by Christopher Schabel, pp. 693–700. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition n. 7. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Courtenay, William J. 2008. Ockham and Ockhamism. Studies in the Dissemination and Impact of His Thought. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters n. 99. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Courtenay, William J. 2009. Balliol 63 and Parisian Theology around 1320.” Vivarium 47(4): 375–406.
    Courtenay, William J. 2011a. Theological Bachelors at Paris on the Eve of the Papal Schism. The Academic Environment of Peter of Candia.” in Philosophy and Theology in the Long Middle Ages. A Tribute to Stephen F. Brown, edited by Kent Emery Jr., Russell L. Friedman, and Andreas Speer, pp. 921–952. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters n. 105. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Courtenay, William J. 2011b. Papal Policy on Judging the Orthodoxy of University Masters, a Research Problem.” in Knowledge, Discipline and Power in the Middle Ages. Essays in Honour of David Luscombe, edited by Joseph Canning, Edmund J. King, and Martial Staub, pp. 119–128. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters n. 106. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Courtenay, William J. 2012. Report on the Repertory of Commentaries on Peter Lombard’s Sentences (2011-2012).” Bulletin de philosophie médiévale 54: 55–57.
    Courtenay, William J. 2018. The Two ‘Late Middle Ages’ .” in Contemplation and Philosophy: Scholastic and Mystical Modes of Medieval Philosophical Thought. A Tribute to Kent Emery, Jr., edited by Roberto Hofmeister Pich and Andreas Speer, pp. 108–128. Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters n. 125. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Emery, Kent, Jr., Courtenay, William J. and Metzger, Stephen M., eds. 2012. Philosophy and Theology in the “Studia” of the Religious Orders and at Papal and Royal Courts. Acts of the XVth Annual Colloquium of the Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, University of Notre Dame, 8-10 October 2008. Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale n. 15. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Schabel, Christopher and Courtenay, William J. 2007. Augustinian Quodlibeta after Giles of Rome.” in Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages: The Fourteenth Century, edited by Christopher Schabel, pp. 545–568. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition n. 7. Leiden: E.J. Brill.