Charles B. Cross (cross-cb)
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Cross, Charles B. 1978. “Berkeley on Other Minds.” Auslegung. A Journal of Philosophy 6(1): 45–50.
Cross, Charles B. 1979. “Time and the Russell Definition of Number.” The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 10(2): 177–180.
Cross, Charles B. 1985a. “Studies in the Semantics of Modality.” PhD dissertation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Philosophy Department, University of Pittsburgh.
Cross, Charles B. 1985b. “Jonathan Bennett on ‘Even If’ .” Linguistics and Philosophy 8(3): 353–385.
Cross, Charles B. 1986. “ ‘Can’ and the Logic of Ability.” Philosophical Studies 50: 53–64.
Cross, Charles B. 1990. “Belief Revision, Non-Monotonic Reasoning, and the Ramsey Test.” in The Frame Problem and Relevant Predication, edited by Henry E. Kyburg Jr., Ronald P. Loui, and Gregory N. Carlson, pp. 223–224. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cross, Charles B. 1993. “From Worlds to Probabilities: A Probabilistic Semantics for Modal Logic.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 22(2): 169–192.
Cross, Charles B. 1997. “The Modal Logic of Discrepancy.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 26(2): 143–168.
Cross, Charles B. 2000. “A Characterization of Imaging in Terms of Popper Functions.” Philosophy of Science 67(2): 316–318.
Cross, Charles B. 2001. “The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure.” Mind 110(438): 319–333.
Cross, Charles B. 2002a. “Armstrong and the Problem of Converse Relations.” Erkenntnis 56(2): 215–227.
Cross, Charles B. 2002b. “Doesn’t-Will and Didn’t-Did.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80(1): 101–106.
Cross, Charles B. 2003. “Relational Coherence and Cumulative Reasoning.” in The Epistemology of Keith Lehrer, edited by Erik J. Olsson, pp. 109–128. Philosophical Studies Series n. 95. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Cross, Charles B. 2008a. “Nonbelief and the Desire-As-Belief Thesis.” Acta Analytica 23(2): 115–124.
Cross, Charles B. 2008b. “Antecedent-Relative Comparative World Similarity.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 37(2): 101–120.
Cross, Charles B. 2009. “Causal Independence, the Identity of Indiscernibles, and the Essentiality of Origin.” The Journal of Philosophy 106(5): 277–291.
Cross, Charles B. 2011a. “Comparative World Similarity and What is Held Fixed in Counterfactuals.” Analysis 71(1): 91–96.
Cross, Charles B. 2011b. “Brute Facts, the Necessity of Identity, and the Identity of Indiscernibles.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92: 1–10.
Cross, Charles B. 2012. “The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure – Corrected.” Mind 121(482): 457–466.
Cross, Charles B. 2015. “A Logical Transmission Principle for Conclusive Reasons.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93(2): 353–370.
Cross, Charles B. 2016a. “Embedded Counterfactuals and Possible Worlds Semantics.” Philosophical Studies 173(3): 665–673.
Cross, Charles B. 2016b. “Every Proposition is a Counterfactual.” Acta Analytica 31(2): 117–137.
Cross, Charles B. 2019. “Review of Schulz (2017).” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97(2): 414–417.
Cross, Charles B. and Roelofsen, Floris. 2014. “Questions.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Cross, Charles B. and Roelofsen, Floris. 2018. “Questions.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Cross, Charles B. and Roelofsen, Floris. 2022. “Questions.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Cross, Charles B. and Thomason, Richmond H. 1991. “Update and Conditionals.” in Methodologies for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, edited by Zbigniew Raś and Maria Zemankova, pp. 392–399. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Further References
Nute, Donald L. 1984. “Conditional Logic.” in Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Volume II: Extensions of Classical Logic, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and Franz Guenthner, pp. 387–439. Synthese Library n. 165. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Reprinted in revised form as Nute and Cross (2001).
Schulz, Moritz. 2017. Counterfactuals and Probability. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198785958.001.0001.