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Richard T. DeGeorge (degeorge-rt)

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Conexus, Philosophic Exchange

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    DeGeorge, Richard T. 1978. Anarchism and Authority.” in Anarchism, edited by James Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, pp. 91–110. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 19. New York: New York University Press.
    DeGeorge, Richard T. 1981. Moral Responsibility and the Corporation.” Philosophic Exchange 12: 41–53.
    DeGeorge, Richard T. 1995. Ethical Knowledge and Social Facts.” in The Concept of Knowledge. The Ankara Seminar, edited by Ioanna Kuçuradi and Robert S. Cohen, pp. 119–126. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 170. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    DeGeorge, Richard T. 1998. Computers, Ethics and Business.” Philosophic Exchange 28: 45–55.
    DeGeorge, Richard T. 1999. International Business Ethics.” in A Companion to Business Ethics, edited by Robert E. Frederick, pp. 233–242. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470998397.