Matthias Denecke (denecke-m)
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Denecke, Matthias. 1997. “A Programmable Multi-Blackboard Architecture for Dialogue Processing Systems.” in Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bridging Speech and NLP Together in Real Applications, edited by Julia Hirschberg, Candace Kamm, and Marilyn A. Walker, pp. 98–105. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Denecke, Matthias and Waibel, Alex H. 1999. “Integrating Knowledge Sources for the Specification of a Task-Oriented Dialogue System.” in IJCAI-99. Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems, edited by Jan Alexandersson, pp. 33–40. Murray Hill, New Jersey: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.