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Burton Dreben (dreben)

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    Dreben, Burton. 1952. On the Completeness of Quantification Theory.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 38: 1047–1052.
    Dreben, Burton. 1990. Quine.” in Perspectives on Quine, edited by Robert B. Barrett and Roger F. Gibson, pp. 81–95. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Dreben, Burton. 1992. Putnam, Quine – and the Facts.” Philosophical Topics 20(1): 293–315.
    Dreben, Burton. 1994. In Mediis Rebus.” Inquiry 37(4): 441–447.
    Dreben, Burton. 2002. On Rawls and Political Liberalism.” in The Cambridge Companion to Rawls, edited by Samuel Freeman, pp. 316–346. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Dreben, Burton. 2004. Quine on Quine.” in The Cambridge Companion to Quine, edited by Roger F. Gibson, pp. 287–293. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Dreben, Burton and Aanderaa, Stål O. 1964. Herbrand Analyzing Functions.” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 70: 697–698.
    Dreben, Burton and Denton, John. 1970. Herbrand-Style Consistency Proofs.” in Intuitionism and Proof Theory. Proceedings of the Summer Conference at Buffalo N.Y. 1968, edited by Akiko Kino, John Myhill, and Richard E. Vesley, pp. 419–433. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 60. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Dreben, Burton and Floyd, Juliet. 1991. Tautology: How Not to Use a Word.” Synthese 87: 23–49.
    Dreben, Burton and Floyd, Juliet. 2011. Frege-Wittgenstein Correspondence.” in Interactive Wittgenstein. Essays in Memory of Georg Henrik von Wright, edited by Enzo De Pellegrin, pp. 15–74. Synthese Library n. 349. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Dreben, Burton and Goldfarb, Warren D. 1979. The Decision Problem. Solvable Classes of Quantificational Formulas. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley.