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Iris Einheuser (einheuser)

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    Einheuser, Iris. 2005. Two Types of Rigid Designation.” Dialectica 59(3): 367–374.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2006. Counterconventional Conditionals.” Philosophical Studies 127(3): 459–482.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2008. Three Forms of Truth Relativism.” in Relative Truth, edited by Manuel Garcı́a-Carpintero and Max Kölbel, pp. 187–205. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199234950.001.0001.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2009. Some Remarks on ‘Language-Created Entities’ .” Acta Analytica 24(3): 185–192.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2010. The Model-Theoretic Argument against Quantifying over Everything.” Dialectica 64(2): 237–246.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2011. Toward a Conceptualist Solution of the Grounding Problem.” Noûs 45(2): 300–314.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2012a. Inner and Outer Truth.” Philosophers' imprint 12(10).
    Einheuser, Iris. 2012b. Nonexistence, Vague Existence, Merely Possible Existence.” Disputatio 4(33): 427–443.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2012c. Is there a (Meta-)Problem of Change? Analytic Philosophy 53(4): 344–351.
    Einheuser, Iris. 2012d. Relativized Propositions and the Fregean Orthodoxy.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84(3): 590–603.