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Abrol Fairweather (fairweather)

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    Fairweather, Abrol. 2001. Epistemic Motivation.” in Virtue Epistemology: Essays on Epistemic Virtue and Responsibility, edited by Abrol Fairweather and Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski, pp. 63–81. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Fairweather, Abrol. 2012a. Duhem-Quine Virtue Epistemology.” Synthese 187(2): 673–692.
    Fairweather, Abrol. 2012b. The Epistemic Value of Good Sense.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 43(1): 139–146.
    Fairweather, Abrol, ed. 2014a. Virtue Epistemology Naturalized. Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. Synthese Library n. 366. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Fairweather, Abrol. 2014b. Bridges between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.” in Virtue Epistemology Naturalized. Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, edited by Abrol Fairweather, pp. 1–11. Synthese Library n. 366. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Fairweather, Abrol. 2017. Introduction: Epistemic Situationism.” in Epistemic Situationism, edited by Abrol Fairweather and Mark Alfano, pp. 1–19. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199688234.001.0001.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Alfano, Mark, eds. 2017. Epistemic Situationism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199688234.001.0001.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Flanagan, Owen, Jr., eds. 2014a. Naturalizing Epistemic Virtue. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Flanagan, Owen, Jr. 2014b. Introduction: Naturalized Virtue Epistemology.” in Naturalizing Epistemic Virtue, edited by Abrol Fairweather and Owen Flanagan Jr., pp. 1–14. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Montemayor, Carlos. 2014a. Inferential Abilties and Common Epistemic Goods.” in Virtue Epistemology Naturalized. Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, edited by Abrol Fairweather, pp. 123–141. Synthese Library n. 366. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Montemayor, Carlos. 2014b. Epistemic Dexterity: A Ramseyian Account of Agent-Based Knowledge.” in Naturalizing Epistemic Virtue, edited by Abrol Fairweather and Owen Flanagan Jr., pp. 118–142. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Montemayor, Carlos. 2017. Knowledge, Dexterity, and Attention. A Theory of Epistemic Agency. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316105849.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Montemayor, Carlos, eds. 2023. Linguistic Luck: Safeguards and Threats to Linguistic Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192845450.001.0001.
    Fairweather, Abrol and Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus, eds. 2001. Virtue Epistemology: Essays on Epistemic Virtue and Responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Steinberg, Jesse R. and Fairweather, Abrol, eds. 2011. Blues: Thinking Deep About Feeling Low. Philosophy for Everyone n. 48. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781118153284.
    Zagzebski, Linda Trinkaus and Fairweather, Abrol. 2001. Introduction.” in Virtue Epistemology: Essays on Epistemic Virtue and Responsibility, edited by Abrol Fairweather and Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski, pp. 3–14. Oxford: Oxford University Press.