Christopher A. Fields (fields-c)
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Dietrich, Eric and Fields, Christopher A. 1996. “The Role of the Frame Problem in Fodor’s Modularity Thesis: A Case Study of Rationalist Cognitive Science.” in The Robot’s Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence, edited by Kenneth M. Ford and Zenon W. Pylyshyn, pp. 9–24. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Co.
Dietrich, Eric and Fields, Christopher A. 2015. “Science Generates Limit Paradoxes.” Axiomathes 25(4): 409–432.
Fields, Christopher A. 1984. “Double on Searle’s Chinese Room.” Nature and System 6: 51–54.
Fields, Christopher A. 1988. “Background Knowledge and Natural Language Understanding.” in Perspectives on Mind, edited by Herbert R. Otto and James Alan Tuedio, pp. 261–274. Synthese Library n. 194. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Fields, Christopher A. 1994. “Real Machines and Virtual Intentionality: An Experimentalist Takes on the Problem of Representational Content.” in Thinking Computers and Virtual Persons. Essays on the Intentionality of Machines, edited by Eric Dietrich, pp. 70–90. New York: Academic Press.
Fields, Christopher A. 1996. “Measurement and Computational Description.” in Machines and Thought. The Legacy of Alan Turing, Volume 1, edited by Peter J. R. Millican and Andy Clark, pp. 165–178. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fields, Christopher A. 2013. “On Recognizing an Object with a Partition.” Logique et Analyse 56(224): 391–403.
Fields, Christopher A. 2014. “A Physics-Based Metaphysics is a Metaphysics-Based Metaphysics.” Acta Analytica 29(2): 131–148.
Fields, Christopher A. 2016. “Decompositional Equivalence: A Fundamental Symmetry Underlying Quantum Theory.” Axiomathes 26(3): 279–311.