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J. William Forgie (forgie)

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    Forgie, J. William. 1972. Frege’s Objection to the Ontological Argument.” Noûs 6(3): 251–265.
    Forgie, J. William. 1974. Existence Assertions and the Ontological Argument.” Mind 83(330): 260–262.
    Forgie, J. William. 1976. Is the Cartesian Ontological Argument Defensible? The New Scholasticism 50(1): 108–121.
    Forgie, J. William. 1977. Existence and Properties.” The New Scholasticism 51(1): 102–116.
    Forgie, J. William. 1991. The Modal Ontological Argument and the Necessary a Posteriori.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 29(3): 129–141.
    Forgie, J. William. 1993. Kant on the Relation Between the Cosmological and Ontological Arguments.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 34(1): 112.
    Forgie, J. William. 2000. Kant and Frege: Existence as a Second-Level Property.” Kant-Studien 91(2): 165–177.
    Forgie, J. William. 2007. Kant and Gassendi on Existence.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 45(4): 511–523.
    Forgie, J. William. 2008a. Kant and Existence: Critique of Pure Reason A 600 / B 628.” Kant-Studien 99(1): 1–12.
    Forgie, J. William. 2008b. How is the Question ‘Is Existence a Predicate?’ Relevant to the Ontological Argument? International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64(3): 117–133.
    Medress, M. F., Cooper, F. S., Forgie, J. William, Green, C. Cordell, Klatt, Dennis H., O’Malley, M. H., Neuburg, E. P., et al. 1977. Speech Understanding Systems: Report of a Steering Committee.” Artificial Intelligence 9(3): 307–316.