Michael Freund (freund-m)
Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Freund, Michael. 1991a. “Supracompact Inference Operations.” in Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logics, edited by Jürgen Dix, Klaus P. Jantke, and Peter H. Schmidt, pp. 59–73. Berlin: Springer.
Freund, Michael. 1991b. “A Semantic Characterization of Disjunctive Relations.” in Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. Research International Workshop FAIR’91. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 535. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Freund, Michael. 1997. “Default Extensions: Dealing with Computer Information.” Artificial Intelligence 92(1–2): 277–288.
Freund, Michael. 1998. “Preferential Reasoning in the Perspective of Poole Default Logic.” Artificial Intelligence 98(1–2): 209–235.
Freund, Michael. 1999. “Statics and Dynamics of Induced Systems.” Artificial Intelligence 110(1): 103–134.
Freund, Michael. 2000. “A Complete and Consistent Formal System for Sortals.” Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic 65: 367–381.
Freund, Michael. 2004. “On the Revision of Preferences and Rational Inference Processes.” Artificial Intelligence 152(1): 105–137.
Freund, Michael. 2014. “On Categorial Membership.” Erkenntnis 79(5): 1045–1068.
Freund, Michael and Lehmann, Daniel J. 1992. “Nonmonotonic Inference Operations.” tr–92–2. Jerusalem: Department of Computer Science, Hebrew University.