Heinrich Ganthaler (ganthaler)
Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Ganthaler, Heinrich. 1991. “Some Comments on Paul Weingartner’s Concept of a Scientific Theology.” in Advances in Scientific Philosophy. Essays in Honour of Paul Weingartner on the Occasion of the 60\(^{th}\) Anniversary of his Birthday, edited by Gerhard Schurz and Georg J. W. Dorn, pp. 561–570. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 24. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Ganthaler, Heinrich. 1999. “Bolzano über das Recht auf Eigentum.” in Bernard Bolzanos geistiges Erbe für das 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Edgar Morscher, pp. 393–410. Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung n. 11. Sankt Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.