Christopher Gauker (gauker)
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Gauker, Christopher. 1987. “Mind and Chance.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17: 533–552.
Gauker, Christopher. 1988. “Objective Interpretationism.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 69: 136–151.
Gauker, Christopher. 1990. “How to Learn Language like a Chimpanzee.” Philosophical Psychology 3: 139–146.
Gauker, Christopher. 1991. “Mental Content and the Division of Epistemic Labour.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69: 302–318.
Gauker, Christopher. 1993a. “An Extraterrestrial Perspective on Conceptual Development.” Mind and Language 8: 105–130.
Gauker, Christopher. 1993b. “Holism without Meaning: A Critical Review of Fodor and LePore (1992).” Philosophical Psychology 6: 441–449.
Gauker, Christopher. 1995. Thinking Out Loud: An Essay on the Relation between Thought and Language. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Gauker, Christopher. 1997. “Domains of Discourse.” Mind 105(421): 1–32.
Gauker, Christopher. 1998. “Intelligibility in Semantics: Reply to van Deemter (1998).” Mind 107.
Gauker, Christopher. 2001. “Situated Inference Versus Conversational Implicature.” Noûs 35(2): 163–189.
Gauker, Christopher. 2003a. Words Without Meaning. Contemporary Philosophical Monographs n. 3. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Gauker, Christopher. 2003b. “Social Externalism and Linguistic Communication.” in Meaning, Basic Self-Knowledge, and Mind: Essays on Tyler Burge, edited by Marı́a José Frápolli and Esther Romero, pp. 1–34. CSLI Lecture Notes n. 132. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Gauker, Christopher. 2003c. “Truth, Propositions and Context.” in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science XI: Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science – Selected Contributed Papers from the 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Kraków, 1999, edited by Artur Rojszczak, Jacek Cachro, and Gabriel Kurczewski, pp. 277–287. Synthese Library n. 320. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Gauker, Christopher. 2004. “Semantics for Deflationists.” in Deflationism and Paradox, edited by J. C. Beall and Bradley Armour-Garb, pp. 148–176. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199287116.001.0001.
Gauker, Christopher. 2005a. Conditionals in Context. Contemporary Philosophical Monographs n. 5. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Gauker, Christopher. 2005b. “The Belief-Desire Law.” Facta Philosophica 7(2): 121–144.
Gauker, Christopher. 2006a. “Against Stepping Back: A Critique of Contextualist Approaches to the Semantic Paradoxes.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 35(4): 393–422.
Gauker, Christopher. 2006b. “Review of Cappelen and LePore (2005).” Mind 115(458): 399–399.
Gauker, Christopher. 2006c. “Scientific Realism as an Issue in Semantics.” in Truth and Realism, edited by Patrick Greenough and Michael Patrick Lynch, pp. 125–136. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Proceedings of the 2004 St.Andrews Conference on Realism and Truth, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199288878.001.0001.
Gauker, Christopher. 2007. “On the Alleged Priority of Thought over Language.” in John Searle’s Philosophy of Language. Force, Meaning and Mind, edited by Savas L. Tsohatzidis, pp. 125–142. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gauker, Christopher. 2008. “Against Accommodation: Heim, van der Sandt, and the Presupposition Projection Problem.” in Philosophical Perspectives 22: Philosophy of Language, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 171–205. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Gauker, Christopher. 2010a. “Global Domains versus Hidden Indexicals.” Journal of Semantics 27(2): 243–270.
Gauker, Christopher. 2010b. “Indirect Discourse, Relativism and Contexts That Point to Other Contexts.” in Context-Dependence, Perspective and Relativity, edited by François Récanati, Isidora Stojanović, and Neftali Villanueva, pp. 283–315. Mouton Series in Pragmatics n. 6. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Gauker, Christopher. 2010c. “Contexts in Formal Semantics.” Philosophy Compass 5(7): 568–578.
Gauker, Christopher. 2011. Words and Images. An Essay on the Origin of Ideas. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199599462.001.0001.
Gauker, Christopher. 2012a. “Perception without Propositions.” in Philosophical Perspectives 26: Philosophy of Mind, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 19–50. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Gauker, Christopher. 2012b. “What Tipper is Ready for: A Semantics for Incomplete Predicates.” Noûs 46(1): 61–85.
Gauker, Christopher. 2012c. “What do your Senses Say? On Burge’s Theory of Perception.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 85: 311–323. “Bolzano & Kant,” ed. by Sandra Lapointe.
Gauker, Christopher. 2012d. “Semantics and Pragmatics.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language, edited by Gillian K. Russell and Delia Graff Fara, pp. 18–28. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Gauker, Christopher. 2013. “Inexplicit Thoughts.” in Kant. Making Reason Intuitive, edited by Kyriaki Goudeli, Pavlos Kontos, and Ioli Patellis, pp. 74–90. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gauker, Christopher. 2015. “The Illusions of Semantic Reference.” in On Reference, edited by Andrea Bianchi, pp. 21–39. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198714088.001.0001.
Gauker, Christopher. 2016a. “The Problem of Context-Relativity in Semantics.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 93(3): 329–333.
Gauker, Christopher. 2016b. “Visual Imagery in the Thought of Monkeys and Apes.” in, pp. 25–33.
Further References
Cappelen, Herman and LePore, Ernest. 2005. Insensitive Semantics: A Defense of Semantic Minimalism and Speech Act Pluralism. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470755792.
van Deemter, Kees. 1998. “Domains of Discourse and the Semantics of Ambiguous Utterances: A Reply to Gauker (1998).” Mind 107(426): 433–445.