Randy Goebel (goebel-r)
Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Cercone, Nick, Goebel, Randy, Haan, John de and Schaeffer, Stephanie. 1992. “The ECO Family.” in Semantic Networks in Artificial Intelligence, edited by Fritz Lehmann, pp. 95–131. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Foo, Norman F. and Goebel, Randy, eds. 1996. PRICAI96: Topics in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer.
Ghose, Adiyata K. and Goebel, Randy. 1998. “Belief States as Default Theories: Studies in Non-Prioritized Belief Change.” in ECAI-98. Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Henri Prade, pp. 8–12. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Goebel, Randy. 1989. “A Sketch of Analogy as Reasoning with Equality Hypotheses.” tr89–20. Edmonton, Queensland: Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta.
Lin, Dekang and Goebel, Randy. 1989a. “Computing Circumscription of Ground Theories with Theorist.” tr 89–26. Edmonton, Queensland: Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta.
Lin, Dekang and Goebel, Randy. 1989b. “A Probabilistic Theory of Abductive Diagnostic Reasoning.” TR 89–25. Edmonton, Queensland: Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta.