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DeJong, Gerald F. and Gratch, Jonathan. 1991. “Review of Minton (1988).”Artificial Intelligence 50(1): 117–127.
Gratch, Jonathan and DeJong, Gerald F. 1996. “A Statistical Approach to Adaptive Problem Solving.”Artificial Intelligence 88(1–2): 101–142.
Marsella, Stacy C. and Gratch, Jonathan. 2016. “Computational Models of Emotion as Psychological Tools.” in Handbook of Emotions, edited by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, and Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones, 3rd ed., pp. 113–131. New York: Guilford Press.
Swartout, William R., Gratch, Jonathan, Hill, Randall W., Hovy, Eduard H., Marsella, Stacy C., Rickel, Jeff and Traum, David R. 2006. “Toward Virtual Humans.”The AI Magazine 27(2): 96–108.
Further References
Minton, Steven. 1988. Learning Search Control Knowledge: An Explanation-Based Approach. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.