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Stephen R. Grimm (grimm-sr)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Ahlstrom-Vij, Kristoffer and Grimm, Stephen R. 2013. Getting It Right.” Philosophical Studies 166(2): 329–347.
    dePaul, Michael Raymond and Grimm, Stephen R. 2007. Review Essay on Kvanvig (2003).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 74(2): 498–514.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2001. Ernest Sosa, Knowledge, and Understanding.” Philosophical Studies 106(3): 171–191.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2002. Kant’s Argument for Radical Evil.” European Journal of Philosophy 10(2): 160–177.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2006. Is Understanding a Species of Knowledge? The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57(3): 515–535.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2008. Epistemic Goals and Epistemic Values.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 77(3): 725–744.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2009. Epistemic Normativity.” in Epistemic Value, edited by Adrian Haddock, Alan Millar, and Duncan Pritchard, pp. 243–264. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199231188.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2010. The Goal of Explanation.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 41(4): 337–344.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2011a. On Intellectualism in Epistemology.” Mind 120(479): 705–733.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2011b. Understanding.” in The Routledge Companion to Epistemology, edited by Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard, pp. 84–94. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2011c. What is Interesting? Logos & Episteme 2(4): 515–542.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2012. The Value of Understanding.” Philosophy Compass 7(2): 103–117.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2014. Understanding as Knowledge of Causes.” in Virtue Epistemology Naturalized. Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, edited by Abrol Fairweather, pp. 329–346. Synthese Library n. 366. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2015a. Knowledge, Practical Interests, and Rising Tides.” in Epistemic Evaluation. Purposeful Epistemology, edited by David Henderson and John Greco, pp. 117–137. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199642632.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2015b. Wisdom.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93(1): 139–154.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2015c. The Logic of Mysticism.” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7(2): 109–123.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2016a. How Understanding People Differs from Understanding the Natural World.” in Philosophical Issues 26: Knowledge and Mind, edited by Christoph Kelp and Jack C. Lyons, pp. 209–225. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2016b. The Value of Reflection.” in Performance Epistemology. Foundations and Applications, edited by Miguel Ángel Fernández Vargas, pp. 183–195. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198746942.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2017. Understanding and Transparency.” in Explaining Understanding. New Perspectives from Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, edited by Stephen R. Grimm, Christoph Baumberger, and Sabine Ammon, pp. 212–229. London: Routledge.
    Grimm, Stephen R., ed. 2018a. Making Sense of the World. New Essays on the Philosophy of Understanding. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190469863.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2018b. Introduction.” in Making Sense of the World. New Essays on the Philosophy of Understanding, edited by Stephen R. Grimm, pp. 1–13. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190469863.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2018c. The Ethics of Understanding.” in Making Sense of the World. New Essays on the Philosophy of Understanding, edited by Stephen R. Grimm, pp. 116–134. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190469863.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R., ed. 2019a. Varieties of Understanding. New Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190860974.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2019b. Understanding as an Intellectual Virtue.” in The Routledge Handbook of Virtue Epistemology, edited by Heather Battaly, pp. 340–351. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315712550.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2019c. Varieties of Understanding.” in Varieties of Understanding. New Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology, edited by Stephen R. Grimm, pp. 1–16. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190860974.001.0001.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2020. Transmitting Understanding and Know-How.” in What the Ancients Offer to Contemporary Epistemology, edited by Stephen Cade Hetherington and Nicholas D. Smith, pp. 124–139. London: Routledge.
    Grimm, Stephen R. 2021. Understanding.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Grimm, Stephen R., Baumberger, Christoph and Ammon, Sabine, eds. 2017. Explaining Understanding. New Perspectives from Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. London: Routledge.

Further References

    Kvanvig, Jonathan L. 2003. The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding. Cambridge Studies in Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.