Sören Häggqvist (haeggqvist)
Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Cohnitz, Daniel and Häggqvist, Sören. 2009. “The Role of Intuitions in Philosophy.” Studia Philosophica Estonica 2(2): 1–14.
Cohnitz, Daniel and Häggqvist, Sören. 2017. “Thought Experiments in Current Metaphilosophical Debates.” in The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments, edited by Michael T. Stuart, Joerg H. Yiftach Fehige, and James Robert Brown, pp. 406–424. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315175027-23.
Häggqvist, Sören. 2005. “Kinds, Projectibility and Explanation.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5(1): 71–87.
Häggqvist, Sören. 2006. “Essentialism and Rigidity.” The Philosophical Quarterly 56(223): 276–283.
Häggqvist, Sören. 2007. “The A Priori Thesis: A Critical Assessment.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7(1): 47–61.
Häggqvist, Sören. 2009. “A Model for Thought Experiments.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39(1): 55–76.
Häggqvist, Sören. 2013. “Teleosemantics: Etiological Foundations.” Philosophy Compass 8(1): 73–83.
Häggqvist, Sören. 2015. “Judgements, Expertise, and Counterfactuals.” Inquiry 58(7–8): 741–754.