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Aikin, Scott F., Harbour, Michael, Neufeld, Jonathan and Talisse, Robert B. 2010. “Epistemic Abstainers, Epistemic Martyrs, and Epistemic Converts.”Logos & Episteme 1(2): 211–219.
Aikin, Scott F., Harbour, Michael, Neufeld, Jonathan and Talisse, Robert B. 2011. “On Epistemic Abstemiousness: A Reply to Bundy (2011).”Logos & Episteme 2(3): 425–428.
Aikin, Scott F., Harbour, Michael and Talisse, Robert B. 2009. “Evolution, Intelligent Design, and Public Education: A Comment on Thomas Nagel.”Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science 3(1): 35–40.
Further References
Bundy, Alan. 2011. “On Epistemic Abstemiousness: A Reply to Aikin et al. (2011).”Logos & Episteme 2(4): 619–624.