I. Lloyd Humberstone (humberstone)
My contributions to Philosophie.ch
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van Benthem, Johan and Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1983. “Halldén Completeness by
Gluing of Kripke Frames.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal
Logic 24: 426–430.
Burgess, John P. and Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1987. “Natural Deduction Rules for a Logic of
Vagueness.” Erkenntnis 27: 197–229.
Crossley, John Newsome and Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1977. “The Logic of ‘Actually’’ .”
Reports on Mathematical Logic 9: 11–29.
Davies, Martin Kinsey and Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1980. “Two Notions of Necessity.”
Philosophical Studies 38(1): 1–30.
Hazen, Allen Patterson and Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2004. “Similarity Relations and the Preservation of
Solidity.” Journal of Logic, Language, and
Information 13(1): 25–46.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1971. “Two Sorts of ‘Ought’s.” Analysis
32: 8–11.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1974. “Logic for Saints and Heroes.”
Ratio 16: 103–114.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1978. “Two Merits of the Circumstantial Operator Language for
Conditional Logics.” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 56: 21–24.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1979. “Interval Semantics for Tense Logic.”
The Journal of Philosophical Logic 8(2): 171–196.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1980. “You’ll Regret It.” Analysis 40:
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1981a.
“From Worlds to Possibilities.”
The Journal of Philosophical Logic 10(3): 313–339.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1981b.
“A Note on two Remarks of Wiggins concerning
Restricted Quantification.” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 59: 432–437.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1981c.
“Relative Necessity Reconsidered.” Reports
on Mathematical Logic 13: 33–42.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1982a.
“Necessary Conclusions.” Philosophical
Studies 41: 321–335.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1982b.
“First Steps in Philosophical
Taxonomy.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12:
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1982c.
“Scope and Subjunctivity.”
Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 11: 99–126.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1983a.
“Inaccessible Worlds.” Notre Dame Journal
of Formal Logic 24: 346–352.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1983b.
“The Background of
Circumstances.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
64(1): 19–34.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1983c.
“Karmon on Contingent
Non-Identity.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy
61: 188–191.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1984. “Monadic Representability of Certain Binary
Relations.” Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical
Society 29: 365–376.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1985. “The Formalities of Collective Omniscience.”
Philosophical Studies 48: 401–423.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1986. “Extensionality in Sentence Position.”
The Journal of Philosophical Logic 15(1): 27–54. A
correction appears in Humberstone (1988b).
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1987a.
“Wanting as Believing.”
Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17: 49–62.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1987b.
“The Modal Logic of ‘All and
Only’ .” Notre Dame Journal of Formal
Logic 28: 177–188.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1988a.
“Heterogeneous Logic.” Erkenntnis 29:
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1988b.
“The Lattice of Extensional Connectives: A
Correction.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic
17(3): 221–223. A correction to Humberstone (1986).
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1988c.
“Some Epistemic Capacities.”
Dialectica 42(3): 183–200.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1988d.
“Operational Semantics for Positive
‘R’.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal
Logic 29(1): 61–80.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1990a.
“Wanting, Getting, Having.” Philosophical
Papers 19: 99–118.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1990b.
“Expressive Power and Semantic Completeness:
Boolean Connectives in Modal Logic.” Studia Logica: An
International Journal for Symbolic Logic 49: 197–214.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1991a.
“Two Kinds of Agent
Relativity.” The Philosophical Quarterly 41(163):
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1991b.
“A Study of Some ‘Separated’
Conditions on Binary Relations.” Theoria 57:
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1992a.
“Direction of Fit.”
Mind 101(401): 59–83.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1992b.
“Some Structural and Logical Aspects of the
Notion of Supervenience.” Logique et Analyse
35(137–138): 101–137.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1993a.
“Functional Dependencies, Supervenience, and
Consequence Relations.” Journal of Logic, Language,
and Information 2(4): 309–336.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1993b.
“Zero Place Operations and Functional
Completeness, and the Definition of New Connectives.”
History and Philosophy of Logic 14: 39–66.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1994.
“Hempel Meets Wason.” Erkenntnis 41:
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1995a.
“Negation by Iteration.”
Theoria 61: 1–24.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1995b.
“Names and Pseudonyms.”
Philosophy 70: 487–512.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1995c.
“Comparatives and the Reducibility of
Relations.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 76:
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1995d.
“The Logic of Non-Contingency.”
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36: 214–229.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1995e.
“Review of Koslow (1992).”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73: 475–481.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1996a.
“Intrinsic / Extrinsic.” Synthese
108: 205–267.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1996b.
“Valuational Semantics of Rule
Derivability.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic
25(5): 451–461.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1996c.
“A Study in Philosophical
Taxonomy.” Philosophical Studies 83: 121–169.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1996d.
“Homophony, Validity, Modality.” in Logic and Reality: Essays on the Legacy of Arthur
Prior, edited by B. Jack Copeland, pp. 215–236. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1996e.
“A Basic System of Congruential to Monotone
Bimodal Logic and Two of its Extensions.” Notre Dame
Journal of Formal Logic 37: 602–612.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1997a.
“Two Types of Circularity.”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57(2): 249–280.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1997b.
“Singularly Extensional Connectives: A Closer
Look.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 26(3):
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1998. “Note on Supervenience and Definability.”
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39: 243–252.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1999. “Review of Wansing (1996).”
Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic
63(2): 283–296.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2000a.
“The Revival of Rejective
Negation.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic
29(4): 331–381.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2000b.
“Parts and Partitions.”
Theoria 66: 41–82.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2000c.
“What \(Fa\)
says about \(a\).”
Dialectica 54(1): 3–28.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2000d.
“Contra-Classical Logics.” Australasian
Journal of Philosophy 78(4): 438–474.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2000e.
“An Intriguing Logic with Two Implicational
Connectives.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic
41(1): 1–40.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2001. “The Pleasures of Anticipation: Enriching Intuitionistic
Logic.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 30(5):
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2002a.
“Implicational Converses.” Logique et
Analyse 45(177–178): 61–79.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2002b.
“Invitation to
Autoepistemology.” Theoria 68(1): 13–51.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2002c.
“The Modal Logic of Agreement and
Noncontingency.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal
Logic 43(2): 95–127.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2003a.
“Note on Contraries and
Subcontraries.” Noûs 37(4): 690–705.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2003b.
“False though Partly True – An Experiment in
Logic.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 32(6):
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2003c.
“A Strange Remark Attributed to Gödel.” History and Philosophy of
Logic 24(1): 39–44.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2004a.
“Two-Dimensional Adventures.”
Philosophical Studies 118(1–2): 17–65.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2004b.
“Archetypal Forms of
Inference.” Synthese 141(1): 45–76.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2004c.
“Yet another ‘Choice of
Primitives’ Warning: Normal Modal Logics.”
Logique et Analyse 47(185–188): 395–407.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2005a.
“Logical Discrimination.” in Logica Universalis. Towards a General Theory of
Logic, edited by Jean-Yves Béziau, pp. 207–228. Basel:
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2005b.
“Contrariety and Subcontrariety: The Anatomy
of Negation.” Theoria 71(3): 241–262.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2005c.
Translation Paradox.” Theoria 71(2).
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2005d.
“For Want of an ‘And’: A Puzzle
about Non-Conservative Extension.” History and
Philosophy of Logic 26(2): 229–266.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2005e.
“Geach’s Categorical Grammar.”
Linguistics and Philosophy 28(3): 281–317.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2005f.
“Modality.” in The
Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy, edited by Frank
Jackson and Michael A. Smith, pp. 534–614. Oxford
Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199234769.001.0001.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2006a.
“Variations on a Theme of
Curry.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47(1):
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2006b.
“Sufficiency and Excess.”
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume
80: 265–320.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2006c.
“Weaker-to-Stronger Translational Embeddings
in Modal Logic.” in Advances in
Modal Logic, volume VI, edited by Guido Governatori, Ian Hodkinson, and Yde Venema, pp. 279–297. London: King’s College
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2007. “Modal Logic for Other-World Agnostics: Neutrality and
Halldén Incompleteness.”
The Journal of Philosophical Logic 36(1): 1–32.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2008. “Can Every Modifier be Treated as a Sentence
Modifier?” in Philosophical
Perspectives 22: Philosophy of Language, edited by John
Hawthorne, pp. 241–275. Hoboken, New
Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2009a.
“Logical Pluralism.” Australasian Journal
of Philosophy 87(1): 162–168.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2009b.
“Collapsing Modalities.” Notre Dame
Journal of Formal Logic 50(2): 119–132.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2010a.
“Sentence Connectives in Formal
Logic.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2010b.
“Smiley’s Distinction between Rules of
Inference and Rules of Proof.” in The Force of Argument. Essays in Honor of Timothy
Smiley, edited by Jonathan Lear and Alex Oliver, pp. 107–126. London: Routledge.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2011.
The Connectives. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The
MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9055.001.0001.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2013a.
“Logical Relations.” in Philosophical Perspectives 27: Philosophy of
Language, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 175–230. Hoboken, New Jersey:
John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2013b.
“Zolin and Pizzi: Defining Necessity from
Noncontingency.” Erkenntnis 78(6): 1275–1302.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2013c.
“Aggregation and Idempotence.”
The Review of Symbolic Logic 6(4): 680–708.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2013d.
“Replacement in Logic.” The
Journal of Philosophical Logic 42(1): 49–89.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2015. “Sentence Connectives in Formal Logic.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2015/entries/connectives-logic/.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2016. Philosophical Applications of Modal Logic.
Studies in Logic n. 61. London: College
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2019. “Priest on Negation.” in Graham Priest on Dialetheism and
Paraconsistency, edited by Can Başkent and Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, pp. 285–342. Cham: Springer Nature,
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2020. “Sentence Connectives in Formal Logic.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2020/entries/connectives-logic/.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 2024. “Sentence Connectives in Formal Logic.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2024/entries/connectives-logic/.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd and Bell, J. M. 1977. “Two Systems of Presupposition Logic.”
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 18: 321–339.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd and Lock, A. 1986. “Semicomplemented Lattices and the Finite Model
Property.” Zeitschrift für mathematische
Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 32: 431–437.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd and Makinson, David C. 2011. “Intuitionistic Logic and Elementary Rules.”
Mind 120(480): 1035–1051.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd and Townsend, Aubrey. 1994. “Co-Instantiation and Identity.”
Philosophical Studies 74: 243–272.
Humberstone, I. Lloyd and Williamson, Timothy. 1997. “Inverses for Normal Modal Operators.”
Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic
59(1): 33–64.
Jackson, Frank and Humberstone, I. Lloyd. 1982. “On a Challenge by Anderson and Belnap.”
Analysis 42: 179–181.
Further References
Koslow, Arnold. 1992. A Structuralist Theory of Logic. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Wansing, Heinrich Theodor, ed. 1996.
Negation: A Notion in Focus. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives
in Analytic Philosophy n. 7. Berlin: de Gruyter.