Dale Jamieson (jamieson-d)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Bekoff, Marc and Jamieson, Dale, eds. 1996. Readings in Animal Cognition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Crisp, Roger and Jamieson, Dale. 2000. “Egalitarianism and a Global Resources Tax: Pogge on Rawls.” in The Idea of a Political Liberalism. Essays on Rawls, edited by Victoria Davion and Clarke Wolf, pp. 90–101. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Jamieson, Dale. 1982. “On the Ethics of the Use of Animals in Science.” in And Justice For All: New Introductory Essays in Ethics and Public Policy, edited by Tom Regan and D. VanDeVeer, pp. 169–196. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 97–102).
Jamieson, Dale. 1984. “The City Around Us.” in Earthbound: New Introductory Essays in Environmental Ethics, edited by Tom Regan, pp. 38–73. New York: Random House. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 225–243).
Jamieson, Dale. 1985. “Experimenting on Animals: A Reconsideration.” Between the Species 1: 4–11. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 103–139).
Jamieson, Dale. 1988. “Is Applied Ethics Worth Doing?” in Applied Ethics and Ethical Theory, edited by D. Rosenthal and F. Shehadi, pp. 116–138. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 1–26).
Jamieson, Dale. 1989. “Figlio degli anni Sessanta.” Etica e Animali 2: 99–103. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 321–334).
Jamieson, Dale. 1991. “Method and Moral Theory.” in A Companion to Ethics, edited by Peter Singer, pp. 476–489. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Jamieson, Dale. 1992. “Ethics, Public Policy, and Global Warming.” Science, Technology, and Human Values 17(2): 139–153. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 244–281).
Jamieson, Dale. 1993. “Great Apes and the Human Resistance to Equality.” in The Great Ape Project, edited by Paola Cavalieri and Peter Singer, pp. 223–237. London: Fourth Estate. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 27–46).
Jamieson, Dale, ed. 1994a. Language, Mind and Art. Essays in Appreciation and Analysis, in Honor of Paul Ziff. Synthese Library n. 240. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Jamieson, Dale. 1994b. “Ziff on Shooting an Elephant.” in Language, Mind and Art. Essays in Appreciation and Analysis, in Honor of Paul Ziff, edited by Dale Jamieson, pp. 121–130. Synthese Library n. 240. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Jamieson, Dale. 1994c. “Global Environmental Justice.” in Philosophy and the Natural Environment, edited by Robin Attfield and Andrew Belsey, pp. 199–210. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 36. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 282–295).
Jamieson, Dale. 1995a. “Zoos Revisited.” in Ethics on the Ark: Zoos, Animal Welfare, and Wildlife Conservation, edited by Bryan G. Norton, M. Hutchins, E. Stevens, and T. Mapel, pp. 52–66. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 166–175).
Jamieson, Dale. 1995b. “Wildlife Conservation and Individual Animal Welfare.” in Ethics on the Ark: Zoos, Animal Welfare, and Wildlife Conservation, edited by Bryan G. Norton, M. Hutchins, E. Stevens, and T. Mapel, pp. 69–73. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
Jamieson, Dale. 1995c. “Ecosystem Health: Some Preventive Medicine.” Environmental Values 4: 333–344. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 197–212).
Jamieson, Dale. 1995d. “Wild/Captive and Other Suspect Dualisms.” in Wildlife Conservation, Zoos and Animal Protection. A Strategic Analysis, edited by Andrew N. Rowan, pp. 31–38. Cornell: Tufts Center for Animals; Public Policy. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 176–189).
Jamieson, Dale. 1998a. “Science, Knowledge, and Animal Minds.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98: 79–102. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 47–51).
Jamieson, Dale. 1998b. “Sustainability and Beyond.” Ecological Economics 24: 184–192. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 308–320).
Jamieson, Dale. 1998c. “Animal Liberation is an Environmental Ethic.” Environmental Values 7(1): 41–57. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 190–196).
Jamieson, Dale, ed. 1999a. Singer and His Critics. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Jamieson, Dale. 1999b. “Discourse and Moral Responsibility in Biotechnical Communication.” Politeia 15(54): 285–287. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 296–307).
Jamieson, Dale, ed. 2001a. A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Jamieson, Dale. 2001b. “Pain and the Evolution of Behaviour.” Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 70: 22–24. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 87–96).
Jamieson, Dale. 2002a. Morality’s Progress. Essays on Humans, Other Animals, and the Rest of Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jamieson, Dale. 2002b. “Cognitive Ethology and the End of Neuroscience.” in The Cognitive Animal, edited by Colin Allen, Marc Bekoff, and Gordon M. Burhgardt. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 71–86).
Jamieson, Dale. 2002c. “Sober and Wilson on Psychological Altruism [on Sober and Wilson (1998)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65(3): 702–710.
Jamieson, Dale. 2005. “Values in Nature.” in A Companion to Applied Ethics, edited by Christopher Heath Wellman and Ray G. Frey, pp. 650–661. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in Jamieson (2002a, 213–224).
Jamieson, Dale. 2006. “Against Zoos.” in In Defense of Animals. The Second Wave, edited by Peter Singer, pp. 132–143. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Jamieson, Dale. 2014. Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed – and What It Means for Our Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199337668.001.0001.
Jamieson, Dale. 2016. “Animals and Ethics, Agents and Patients.” in, pp. 461–468.
Jamieson, Dale and Bekoff, Marc. 1993. “On Aims and Methods of Cognitive Ethology.” in PSA 1992: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part II: Symposium Papers, edited by David L. Hull, Micky Forbes, and Kathleen Okruhlik, pp. 110–124. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association. Reprinted in Bekoff and Jamieson (1996, 65–78).