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Robert Elliot (elliot-r)

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    Elliot, Robert. 1989. Prior, Intermittent Identity and Leibniz’ Law.” Logique et Analyse 32(125–126): 55–60.
    Elliot, Robert. 1991a. Personal Identity and the Causal Continuity Requirement.” The Philosophical Quarterly 41(162): 55–75.
    Elliot, Robert. 1991b. Environmental Ethics.” in A Companion to Ethics, edited by Peter Singer, pp. 284–293. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Elliot, Robert. 1992. Intrinsic Value, Environmental Obligation and Naturalness.” The Monist 75(2): 138–160.
    Elliot, Robert. 1994. Ecology and the Ethics of Environmental Restoration.” in Philosophy and the Natural Environment, edited by Robin Attfield and Andrew Belsey, pp. 31–43. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 36. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Elliot, Robert. 2001. Normative Ethics.” in A Companion to Environmental Philosophy, edited by Dale Jamieson, pp. 177–191. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Elliot, Robert and Gallois, André Norman. 1984. Would It Have Been Me? (Against the Necessity of Origin).” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62: 292–293.
    Elliot, Robert and Smith, Michael A. 1978. Descartes, God and the Evil Spirit.” Sophia: International journal for philosophy of religion, metaphysical theology and ethics 17(3): 33–36.
    Jamieson, Dale and Elliot, Robert. 2009. Progressive Consequentialism.” in Philosophical Perspectives 23: Ethics, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 241–251. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.