Frederique Janssen-Lauret (janssenlauret)
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Articles of Dialectica, Circular Paths and Infinite Descent: a Guide, Infinite Regresses, Ground Conditions, and Metaphysical Satisfaction, A Recipe for Non-Wellfounded but Complete Chains of Explanations (and other Determination Relations), Determination Relations and Metaphysical Explanations, Grounding Ground and the (In-)Escapable Ill-Foundedness of the Inclusive `Explains'Zitiert in den folgenden Artikeln
Susan Stebbing on Well-FoundednessBeiträge zu
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2016. “Committing to an Individual: Ontological Commitment, Reference and Epistemology.” Synthese 193(2): 583–604.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2017. “Susan Stebbing, Incomplete Symbols, and Foundherentist Meta-Ontology.” Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 5(2): 6–17, doi:10.15173/jhap.v5i2.2928.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2018. “Elisabeth of Bohemia as a Naturalistic Dualist.” in Early Modern Women on Metaphysics, edited by Emily A. E. Thomas, pp. 171–187. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316827192.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique, ed. 2020. Quine. Structure and Ontology. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2022a. Susan Stebbing. Elements on Women in the History of Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781009026925.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2022b. “Susan Stebbing ’s Metaphysics and the Status of Common-Sense Truths.” in Women in the History of Analytic Philosophy. Selected Papers of the Tilburg-Groningen Conference 2019, edited by Jeanne Peijnenburg and Sander Verhaegh, pp. 171–194. Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences n. 15. Cham: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-08593-2_8.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2023. “Susan Stebbing on Well-Foundedness.” Dialectica 77(4). Special issue “Non-Wellfoundedness,” guest editors Steph Rennick and Stephan Leuenberger, doi:10.48106/dial.v77.i4.02.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2024. “Grandmothers and Founding Mothers of Analytic Philosophy: Constance Jones, Bertrand Russell, and Susan Stebbing on Complete and Incomplete Symbols.” in Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in his Circle, edited by Landon D. C. Elkind and Alexander Mugar Klein, pp. 207–240. London: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-33026-1_8.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. forthcoming. “Susan Stebbing’s Anti-Idealist Philosophy of Physics: Her Rebuttal of Eddington’s Argument from Intrinsic Nature.” in Analysis, Common Sense, and Public Philosophy: Themes from the Philosophy of Susan Stebbing, edited by Annalisa Coliva and Louis Doulas. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique and Kemp, Gary, eds. 2016. Quine and his Place in History. History of Analytic Philosophy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198864288.001.0001.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique and MacBride, Fraser. 2018. “David Lewis’s Place in the History of Late Analytic Philosophy: His Conservative and Liberal Methodology.” Philosophical Inquiries 5(1): 1–22.
Janssen-Lauret, Frederique and MacBride, Fraser. 2020. “Lewis’s Global Descriptivism and Reference Magnetism.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98(1): 192–198.
MacBride, Fraser and Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2015. “Metaontology, Epistemology, and Essence: On the Empirical Deduction of the Categories.” The Monist 98(3): 290–302.
MacBride, Fraser and Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. 2022. “Why Lewis Would Have Rejected Grounding.” in Perspectives on the Philosophy of David K. Lewis, edited by Helen Beebee and Anthony Robert James Fisher, pp. 66–91. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192845443.003.0005.
MacBride, Fraser and Janssen-Lauret, Frederique. forthcoming. “Metaphysical Determination, Analysis and Systematicity.” in Systematic Metaphysics: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Aaron Segal and Nicholas F. Stang. New York: Oxford University Press.