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Dunja Jutronić-Tihomirović (jutronictihomirovic)

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    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 1989. Davidson on Convention.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 36: 121–132. “The Mind of Donald Davidson,” ed. by Johannes Brandl and Wolfgang L. Gombocz.
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 1991. Language as Fictitious Consensus. A Critique of Keith Lehrer’s Conception of Language.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 40: 163–179. “Metamind, Knowledge, and Coherence,” ed. by Johannes Brandl, Wolfgang Combocz and Christian Piller; reprinted in Dretske (2000).
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 2001. Is there a ‘Third Way’ of Concept Acquisition? [on Jacob (1997)].” Acta Analytica 16(26): 97–108.
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 2004. The Knowledge Argument – Some Comments.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4(2): 193–197.
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 2005. Chomsky Amongst the Philosophers.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5(3): 423–431.
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 2006. Is Reference Borrowing a Causal Process? Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6(1): 41–49.
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 2007. Platonism in Linguistics.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7(2): 163–176.
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 2008. Reference Borrowing and the Role of Descriptions.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 8(3): 349–360.
    Jutronić-Tihomirović, Dunja. 2014. Which are the Data That Competence Provides for Linguistic Intuitions? European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 10(2): 119–144.

Further References

    Dretske, Fred I. 2000. Perception, Knowledge and Belief: Selected Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Jacob, Pierre. 1997. What Minds Can Do: Intentionality in a Non-intentional World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.