Fred I. Dretske (dretske)
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Dretske, Fred I. 1962. “Moving Backward in Time.” The Philosophical Review 71: 94–98.
Dretske, Fred I. 1967. “Can Events Move?” Mind 76(304): 479–492.
Dretske, Fred I. 1969a. Seeing and Knowing. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1969b. “Seeing and Justification.” in Perception and Personal Identity. Proceedings of the 1967 Oberlin Colloquium, edited by Norman S. Care and Robert M. Grimm, pp. 42–52. Cleveland: Press of Case Western Reserve University.
Dretske, Fred I. 1969c. “Reply to Hugly (1969).” in Perception and Personal Identity. Proceedings of the 1967 Oberlin Colloquium, edited by Norman S. Care and Robert M. Grimm, pp. 71–80. Cleveland: Press of Case Western Reserve University.
Dretske, Fred I. 1970. “Epistemic Operators.” The Journal of Philosophy 67(24): 1007–1023. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 30–47).
Dretske, Fred I. 1971. “Conclusive Reasons.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 49: 1–22. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 3–29).
Dretske, Fred I. 1972. “Contrastive Statements.” The Philosophical Review 81(4): 411–437, doi:10.2307/2183886.
Dretske, Fred I. 1974. “Explanation in Linguistics.” in Explaining Linguistic Phenomena, edited by David Cohen, pp. 21–41. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing Corp.
Dretske, Fred I. 1977a. “Causal Theories of Reference.” The Journal of Philosophy 74: 621–625.
Dretske, Fred I. 1977b. “Laws of Nature.” Philosophy of Science 44: 248–268.
Dretske, Fred I. 1977c. “Referring to Events.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2: Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 90–99. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reprinted in French, Uehling and Wettstein (1979, 369–378).
Dretske, Fred I. 1977d. “Comments on Hesse (1977) and Shapere (1977).” in PSA 1976: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part II: Symposia, edited by Frederick Suppe and Peter D. Asquith, pp. 299–303. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
Dretske, Fred I. 1978. “The Role of the Percept in Visual Cognition.” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume IX: Perception and Cognition: Issues in the Foundations of Psychology, edited by C. Wade Savage, pp. 107–128. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1979a. “Simple Seeing.” in Body, Mind, and Method. Essays in Honor of Virgil C. Aldrich, edited by Donald F. Gustafson and Bangs L. Tapscott, pp. 1–15. Synthese Library n. 138. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 97–112).
Dretske, Fred I. 1979b. “Chisholm on Perceptual Knowledge.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 7–8: 253–269. “Essays on the Philosophy of Roderick Chisholm,” ed. by Ernest Sosa.
Dretske, Fred I. 1980. “The Intentionality of Cognitive States.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 5: Studies in Epistemology, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 281–294. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reprinted in Rosenthal (1991).
Dretske, Fred I. 1981a. Knowledge and the Flow of Information. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Reissued 1999 in the David Hume Series of Philosophy and Cognitive Science Reissues series of CSLI Press, Stanford.
Dretske, Fred I. 1981b. “The Pragmatic Dimension of Knowledge.” Philosophical Studies 40: 363–378. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 48–63).
Dretske, Fred I. 1981c. “Review of Rescher (1980).” Philosophical Topics 12(2): 299–303.
Dretske, Fred I. 1983a. “Précis of Dretske (1981a).” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6: 55–63. Reprinted in Kornblith (1985).
Dretske, Fred I. 1983b. “Author’s Response.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6: 82–89.
Dretske, Fred I. 1985. “Constraints and Meaning.” Linguistics and Philosophy 8(1): 9–12.
Dretske, Fred I. 1986a. “Misrepresentation.” in Belief: Form, Content and Function, edited by Radu J. Bogdan, pp. 17–36. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Lycan (1990).
Dretske, Fred I. 1986b. “Aspects of Cognitive Representation.” in The Representation of Knowledge and Belief, edited by Myles Brand and Robert M. Harnish, pp. 101–115. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1986c. “Minds, Machines and Meaning.” in Philosophy and Technology II. Information Technology and Computers in Theory and Practice, edited by Carl Mitcham and Hildebert Alois Huning, pp. 97–110. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 90. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Dretske, Fred I. 1988a. Explaining Behaviour: Reasons in a World of Causes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1988b. “The Explanatory Role of Content.” in Contents of Thought, edited by Robert Grimm and Daniel D. Merrill, pp. 31–43. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1988c. “Reply to Cummins (1988).” in Contents of Thought, edited by Robert Grimm and Daniel D. Merrill, pp. 55–61. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1989. “Reasons and Causes.” in Philosophical Perspectives 3: Philosophy of Mind and Action Theory, edited by James E. Tomberlin, pp. 1–15. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Dretske, Fred I. 1990a. “Putting Information to Work.” in Information, Language and Cognition, edited by Philip P. Hanson. Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science n. 1. Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia Press. Reprinted in revised form in Dretske (2000a, 195–207).
Dretske, Fred I. 1990b. “Seeing, Believing, and Knowing.” in An Invitation to Cognitive Science. Volume 2: Visual Cognition and Action, volume 2, edited by Daniel N. Osherson and Howard Lasnik, 1st ed., pp. 129–148. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1990c. “The Epistemology of Belief.” in Doubting: Contemporary Perspectives on Skepticism, edited by Michael D. Roth and Glenn Ross, pp. 183–194. Philosophical Studies Series n. 48. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 64–79).
Dretske, Fred I. 1990d. “Does Meaning Matter?” in Information, Semantics, and Epistemology, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 5–17. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in Macdonald and Macdonald (1995, 107–120).
Dretske, Fred I. 1991a. “Two Conceptions of Knowledge: Rational vs. Reasonable Belief.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 40: 15–30. “Metamind, Knowledge, and Coherence,” ed. by Johannes Brandl, Wolfgang Combocz and Christian Piller; reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 80–95).
Dretske, Fred I. 1991b. “Perception: Heil (1991).” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 180–184. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1991c. “Knowledge: Sanford (1991) and Cohen (1991).” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 185–195. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1991d. “Behavior: Adams (1991) and Horgan (1991).” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 196–199. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1991e. “Learning: Adams (1991), Dennett (1990), Cummins (1991), and Horgan (1991).” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 200–209. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1991f. “Explanation and Meaning: Kim (1991), Horgan (1991), Cummins (1991), and Dennett (1990).” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 210–216. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1991g. “Belief and Belief Content: McLaughlin (1991b).” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 217–221. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1992a. “The Metaphysics of Freedom.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 22: 1–14.
Dretske, Fred I. 1992b. “What isn’t Wrong with Folk Psychology.” Metaphilosophy 23: 1–13.
Dretske, Fred I. 1993a. “The Nature of Thought.” Philosophical Studies 70: 185–199. Reprinted in Burri (1997, 288–300) and in Dretske (2000a, 227–241).
Dretske, Fred I. 1993b. “Mental Events as Structuring Causes of Behaviour.” in Mental Causation, edited by John Heil and Alfred R. Mele, pp. 131–136. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1993c. “Conscious Experience.” Mind 102: 263–283. Reprinted in revised form in Dretske (2000a, 113–137).
Dretske, Fred I. 1993d. “Can Intelligence Be Artificial?” Philosophical Studies 71: 201–216.
Dretske, Fred I. 1994a. “The Explanatory Role of Information.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Series A: Physical Sciences and Engineering 349(1689): 9–69.
Dretske, Fred I. 1994b. “Differences That Make No Difference.” Philosophical Topics 22(1–2): 41–57. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 138–157).
Dretske, Fred I. 1994c. “Mind and Brain.” in The Mind-Body Problem. A Guide to the Current Debate, edited by Richard Warner and Tadeusz Szubka, pp. 131–136. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1994d. “If You Can’t Make One, You Don’t Know How It Works.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 19: Philosophical Naturalism, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 468–482. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 208–226).
Dretske, Fred I. 1994e. “Reply to Slater (1994) and Garcı́a-Carpintero (1994).” Mind and Language 9: 203–208.
Dretske, Fred I. 1994f. “Modes of Perceptual Representation.” in Proceedings of the 16th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Philosophy and the Cognitive Sciences, edited by Roberto Casati, Barry Smith, and Graham White, pp. 147–157. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 21. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
Dretske, Fred I. 1994g. “Introspection.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 94: 263–278.
Dretske, Fred I. 1995b. “Reply [to Kim (1995)]: Causal relevance and explanatory exclusion.” in Philosophy of Psychology – Debates on Psychological Explanation, edited by Cynthia Macdonald and Graham F. Macdonald, pp. 142–154. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 1996a. “Phenomenal Externalism, or if Meanings Ain’t in the Head, Where are Qualia?” in Philosophical Issues 7: Perception, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 143–158. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Dretske, Fred I. 1996b. “The Explanatory Role of Content: Reply to Melnyk and Noordhof.” Mind and Language 11: 223–229.
Dretske, Fred I. 1996c. “Reply to Commentators: Horwich (1996), Biro (1996), Kim (1996).” in Philosophical Issues 7: Perception, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 179–183. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Dretske, Fred I. 1997a. “What Good Is Consciousness?” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 27: 1–15. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 178–193).
Dretske, Fred I. 1997b. “Action and Autonomy.” in The Cosmos of Science: Essays of Exploration, edited by John S. Earman and John D. Norton, pp. 515–529. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 1998. “Minds, Machines, and Money: What Really Explains Behavior.” in Human Action, Deliberation and Causation, edited by Jan Bransen and Stefaan E. Cuypers, pp. 157–174. Philosophical Studies Series n. 77. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 259–274).
Dretske, Fred I. 1999. “The Mind’s Awareness of Itself.” Philosophical Studies 95(1–2): 103–124. Reprinted in Dretske (2000a, 158–177).
Dretske, Fred I. 2000a. Perception, Knowledge and Belief: Selected Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 2000b. “Entitlement: Epistemic Rights Without Epistemic Duties?” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60(3): 591–606.
Dretske, Fred I. 2000c. “Norms, History, and the Constitution of the Mental.” in Perception, Knowledge and Belief: Selected Essays, pp. 242–258. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 2000d. “Reply to Lopes (2000).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60(2): 455–459.
Dretske, Fred I. 2001a. “Animal Minds.” Philosophic Exchange 31: 21–33.
Dretske, Fred I. 2001b. “Where Is the Mind?” in Explaining Beliefs: Lynne Rudder Baker and Her Critics, edited by Anthonie Meijers, pp. 39–49. Philosophers and Their Critics. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Dretske, Fred I. 2001c. “Norms, History and the Mental.” in Naturalism, Evolution and Mind, edited by Denis M. Walsh, pp. 87–104. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 49. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 2001d. “Externalism and Self-Knowledge.” Draft, distributed at 2001 summer school in Heidelberg, Germany.
Dretske, Fred I. 2003a. “Burge on Mentalistic Explanations, or Why I Am Still Epiphobic.” in Reflections and Replies. Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge, edited by Martin Hahn and Bjørn T. Ramberg, pp. 153–164. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 2003b. “Experience as Representation.” in Philosophical Issues 13: Philosophy of Mind, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 67–82. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 2003c. “How Do You Know You Are Not a Zombie?” in Privileged Access: Philosophical Accounts of Self-Knowledge, edited by Brie Gertler, pp. 1–14. Ashgate Epistemology and Mind Series. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315245997.
Dretske, Fred I. 2003d. “Knowing What You Think vs. Knowing that You Think It.” in Proceedings of the 25th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Persons. An Interdisciplinary Approach, edited by Christian Kanzian, Josef Quitterer, and Edmund Runggaldier, pp. 130–140. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 31. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky. Reprinted in Schantz (2004, 389–400).
Dretske, Fred I. 2003e. “The Intentionality of Perception.” in John Searle, edited by Barry Smith, pp. 154–168. Contemporary Philosophy in Focus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 2003f. “Skepticism: What Perception Teaches.” in The Skeptics: Contemporary Essays, edited by Steven Luper, pp. 105–118. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
Dretske, Fred I. 2003g. “Représentation erronée.” in Philosophie de l’esprit, vol. 2: Problèmes et perspectives, edited by Denis Fisette and Pierre Poirier, pp. 85–112. Textes clés. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. Traduction de Dretske (1986a) par Robert Lantin.
Dretske, Fred I. 2004a. “Externalism and Modest Contextualism.” Erkenntnis 61(2–3): 173–186. Reprinted in Brendel and Jäger (2005, 31–44).
Dretske, Fred I. 2004b. “Change Blindness.” Philosophical Studies 120(1–3): 1–18.
Dretske, Fred I. 2005a. “The Case against Closure.” in Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, edited by Ernest Sosa and Matthias Steup, 1st ed., pp. 24–49. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 3. Boston, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Steup, Turri and Sosa (2014, 27–39).
Dretske, Fred I. 2005b. “Reply to Hawthorne (2005).” in Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, edited by Ernest Sosa and Matthias Steup, 1st ed., pp. 82–86. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 3. Boston, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Steup, Turri and Sosa (2014, 56–59).
Dretske, Fred I. 2005c. “The Epistemology of Pain.” in Pain. New Essays on Its Nature and the Methodology of Its Study, edited by Murat Aydede, pp. 59–74. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 2006a. “Perception without Awareness.” in Perceptual Experience, edited by Tamar Szabó Gendler and John Hawthorne, pp. 147–180. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199289769.001.0001.
Dretske, Fred I. 2006b. “Representation, Teleosemantics, and the Problem of Self-Knowledge.” in Teleosemantics. New Philosophical Essays, edited by Graham F. Macdonald and David Papineau, pp. 69–84. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dretske, Fred I. 2007. “What Change Blindness Teaches About Consciousness.” in Philosophical Perspectives 21: Philosophy of Mind, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 215–230. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dretske, Fred I. 2008a. “Epistemology and Information.” in Philosophy of Information, edited by Pieter Adriaans and Johan van Benthem, pp. 29–48. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 8. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Dretske, Fred I. 2008b. “The Metaphysics of Information.” in Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Information. Proceedings of the 30. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria 2007, volume I, edited by Alois Pichler and Herbert Hrachovec, pp. 273–284. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 6. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Dretske, Fred I. 2009a. “Information-Theoretic Semantics.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann, and Sven Walter, pp. 381–393. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199262618.001.0001.
Dretske, Fred I. 2009b. “What Must Actions Be for Reasons to Explain Them?” in New Essays on the Explanation of Action, edited by Constantine Sandis, pp. 13–21. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dretske, Fred I. 2010a. “What We See: The Texture of Conscious Experience.” in Perceiving the World, edited by Bence Nanay, pp. 54–67. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195386196.001.0001.
Dretske, Fred I. 2010b. “Triggering and Structuring Causes.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, edited by Timothy O’Connor and Constantine Sandis, pp. 139–144. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444323528.
Dretske, Fred I. 2010c. “Knowing it Hurts.” in Knowledge and Skepticism, edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and Harry S. Silverstein, pp. 203–218. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy n. 5. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262014083.001.0001.
Dretske, Fred I. 2011. “Skeptical Doubts about Self-Knowledge.” in The Routledge Companion to Epistemology, edited by Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard, pp. 425–432. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Dretske, Fred I. 2012a. “Chris Hill’s Consciousness Hill (2009).” Philosophical Studies 161(3): 497–502.
Dretske, Fred I. 2012b. “Doubts about Cogito.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 84: 1–17. “Facets of Self-Consciousness,” ed. by Katja Crone, Kristina Musholt and Anna Strasser.
Dretske, Fred I. 2012c. “Awareness and Authority: Skeptical Doubts about Self-Knowledge.” in Introspection and Consciousness, edited by Declan Smithies and Daniel Stoljar, pp. 49–64. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199744794.001.0001.
Dretske, Fred I. 2015a. “Supervenience and the Causal Explanation of Behavior.” in Qualia and Mental Causation in a Physical World. Themes from the Philosophy of Jaegwon Kim, edited by Terence E. Horgan, Marcelo Sabatés, and David Sosa, pp. 154–166. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781139939539.
Dretske, Fred I. 2015b. “Perception versus Conception: The Goldilocks Test.” in The Cognitive Penetrability of Perception. New Philosophical Perspectives, edited by John Zeimbekis and Athanassios Raftopoulos, pp. 163–173. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198738916.001.0001.
Dretske, Fred I. 2017. “Golden Gettier: What We (should Have) Learned.” in Explaining Knowledge. New Essays on the Gettier Problem, edited by Rodrigo Martins Borges, Claudio de Almeida, and Peter Klein, pp. 345–354. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198724551.001.0001.
Further References
Adams, Frederick. 1991. “Causal Content.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 131–156. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Biro, John I. 1996.“Dretske (1996a) on Phenomenal Externalism.” in Philosophical Issues 7: Perception, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 171–178. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Burri, Alex. 1997. Sprache und Denken / Language and Thought. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Cohen, Stewart. 1991. “Skepticism, Relevance, and Relativity.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 17–37. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Cummins, Robert. 1988. “Comments on Dretske (1988b).” in Contents of Thought, edited by Robert Grimm and Daniel D. Merrill, pp. 44–54. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press.
Cummins, Robert. 1991. “Mental Meaning in Psychological Explanation.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 102–118. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Dennett, Daniel C. 1990. “Ways of Establishing Harmony.” in Information, Semantics, and Epistemology, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 18–27. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in McLaughlin (1991a, 119–130).
French, Peter A., Uehling, Theodore E., Jr. and Wettstein, Howard K., eds. 1977. Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2: Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Second, enlarged edition: French, Uehling and Wettstein (1979).
French, Peter A., Uehling, Theodore E., Jr. and Wettstein, Howard K., eds. 1979. Midwest Studies in Philosophy 2: Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language. 2nd ed. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. First edition: French, Uehling and Wettstein (1977).
Garcı́a-Carpintero, Manuel. 1994. “Dretske on the Causal Efficacy of Meaning.” Mind and Language 9(2): 181–202.
Hawthorne, John. 2005. “The Case for Closure.” in Contemporary Debates in Epistemology, edited by Ernest Sosa and Matthias Steup, 1st ed., pp. 50–81. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 3. Boston, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Steup, Turri and Sosa (2014, 40–55).
Heil, John. 1991. “Perceptual Experience.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 1–16. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Hesse, Mary B. 1977. “Truth and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge.” in PSA 1976: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part II: Symposia, edited by Frederick Suppe and Peter D. Asquith, pp. 261–280. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association. Reprinted in Hesse (1980, 140–165).
Hesse, Mary B. 1980. Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of Science. Brighton: Harvester Press.
Hill, Christopher S. 2009. Consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Horgan, Terence E. 1991. “Actions, Reasons, and the Explanatory Role of Content.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 73–101. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Horwich, Paul. 1996. “Comment on Dretske (1996a).” in Philosophical Issues 7: Perception, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 167–170. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Hugly, Philip. 1969. “Comments on Dretske (1969b).” in Perception and Personal Identity. Proceedings of the 1967 Oberlin Colloquium, edited by Norman S. Care and Robert M. Grimm, pp. 53–70. Cleveland: Press of Case Western Reserve University.
Kim, Jaegwon. 1991. “Dretske on How Reasons Explain Behavior.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 52–72. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in Kim (1993, 285–308).
Kim, Jaegwon. 1993. Supervenience and Mind: Selected Philosophical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625220.
Kim, Jaegwon. 1995. “Explanatory Exclusion and the Problem of Mental Causation [on Dretske (1990d)].” in Philosophy of Psychology – Debates on Psychological Explanation, edited by Cynthia Macdonald and Graham F. Macdonald, pp. 121–141. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Kim, Jaegwon. 1996. “Dretske’s Qualia Externalism [on Dretske (1996a)].” in Philosophical Issues 7: Perception, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 159–165. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
Kornblith, Hilary, ed. 1985. Naturalizing Epistemology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lopes, Dominic McIver. 2000. “What is it like to See with Your Ears? The Representational Theory of Mind.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60(2): 439–453.
Lycan, William G., ed. 1990. Mind and Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Macdonald, Cynthia and Macdonald, Graham F., eds. 1995. Philosophy of Psychology – Debates on Psychological Explanation. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
McLaughlin, Brian P., ed. 1991a. Dretske and his Critics. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
McLaughlin, Brian P. 1991b. “Belief Individuation and Dretske on Naturalizing Content.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 157–179. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Rescher, Nicholas. 1980. Scepticism: A Critical Reappraisal. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Rosenthal, David M., ed. 1991. The Nature of Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sanford, David H. 1991. “Proper Knowledge.” in Dretske and his Critics, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, pp. 38–51. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Schantz, Richard, ed. 2004. The Externalist Challenge. Current Issues in Theoretical Philosophy n. 2. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110915273.
Shapere, Dudley. 1977. “What Can the Theory of Knowledge Learn from the History of Knowledge?” The Monist 60(4): 488–508. Reprinted in Shapere (1984, 182–204).
Shapere, Dudley. 1984. Reason and the Search for Knowledge. Investigations in the Philosophy of Science. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 78. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Slater, C. 1994. “Discrimination without Indication: Why Dretske Can’t Lean on Learning.” Mind and Language 9: 163–180.
Sosa, Ernest and Steup, Matthias, eds. 2005. Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. 1st ed. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 3. Boston, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Steup, Turri and Sosa (2014).
Steup, Matthias, Turri, John and Sosa, Ernest, eds. 2014. Contemporary Debates in Epistemology. 2nd ed. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 3. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell. First edition: Sosa and Steup (2005), doi:10.1002/9781394260744.