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Yannic Kappes (kappes-y)


    Kappes, Yannic. 2019. On the Grounds of Sums: Reply to Saenz (2018).” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97(4): 824–829.
    Kappes, Yannic. 2022. Self-Explanation and Empty-Base Explanation.” The Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8(3): 436–453, doi:10.1017/apa.2021.8.
    Kappes, Yannic. 2023. Grounding Ground and the (In-)Escapable Ill-Foundedness of the Inclusive ‘Explains’ .” Dialectica 77(4). Special issue “Non-Wellfoundedness,” guest editors Steph Rennick and Stephan Leuenberger, doi:10.48106/dial.v77.i4.06.

Further References

    Saenz, Noël B. 2018. Sums and Grounding.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96(1): 102–117.