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Patricia Kitcher (kitcher-pa)

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    Kitcher, Patricia. 1977. Being Selfish about Your Future.” Philosophical Studies 32(4): 425–431.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1984. Kant’s Real Self.” in Self and Nature in Kant’s Philosophy, edited by Allen W. Wood, pp. 113–147. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1990a. Kant’s Transcendental Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1990b. Apperception and Epistemic Responsibility.” in Central Themes in Early Modern Philosophy. Essays Presented to Jonathan Bennett, edited by Jan A. Cover and Mark A. Kulstad, pp. 273–304. Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Co.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1990c. Kant’s Dedicated Cognitivist System.” in Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science, edited by John-Christian Smith, pp. 189–210. Philosophical Studies Series n. 46. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1991. Changing the Name of the Game: Kant’s Cognitivism Versus Hume’s Psychologism.” Philosophical Topics 19(1): 201–236.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1992. Reasoning in a Subtle World.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 30(supplement 1): 187–195. Special issue “System and Teleology in Kant’s Critique of Judgment,” edited by Hoke Robinson.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1995. Kant on Some Functions of Self-Consciousness.” in Proceedings of the 8th International Kant-Congress Memphis 1995, volume I.2, edited by Hoke Robinson, pp. 645–660. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1996. From Neurophilosophy to Neurocomputation: Searching for the Cognitive Forest.” in The Churchlands and their Critics, edited by Robert N. McCauley, pp. 48–85. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1997. Kant on Logic and Self-Consciousness.” in Logic and the Working of the Mind. The Logic of Ideas and Faculty Psychology in Early Modern Philosophy, edited by Patricia Easton, pp. 175–190. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
    Kitcher, Patricia, ed. 1998a. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Critical Essays. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1998b. Kant’s Cognitive Self.” in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Critical Essays, edited by Patricia Kitcher, pp. 59–84. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1998c. Mill, Mathematics, and the Naturalist Tradition.” in The Cambridge Companion to Mill, edited by John Skorupski, pp. 57–111. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 1999. Kant’s Epistemological Problem and Its Coherent Solution.” in Philosophical Perspectives 13: Epistemology, edited by James E. Tomberlin, pp. 415–441. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2000. On Interpreting Kant’s Thinker as Wittgenstein’s ‘I’ .” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61(1): 33–63.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2001. The Trendelenburg Objection: A Century of Misunderstanding Kant’s Rejection of Metaphysics.” in Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung, Akten des IX. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, volume 2, edited by Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann, and Ralph Schumacher, pp. 599–608. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2003. What is a Maxim? Philosophical Topics 31(1–2): 215–243.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2006. Kant’s Philosophy of the Cognitive Mind.” in The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy, edited by Paul Guyer, pp. 169–202. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2008. Kant’s ‘I think’ .” in Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Bd. 1: Hauptvorträge, edited by Valerio Rohden, Ricardo Terra, Guido Antônio de Almeida, and Margit Ruffing, pp. 181–198. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2011a. Kant’s Thinker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199754823.001.0001.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2011b. The Unity of Kant’s Active Thinker.” in Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism, edited by Joel Smith and Peter M. Sullivan, pp. 55–73. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199608553.001.0001.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2013a. Kant versus the Asymmetry Dogma.” Kant Yearbook 5: 51–77.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2013b. Arguing for Apperception.” in Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, volume 2, edited by Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca, and Margit Ruffing, pp. 189–198. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2014. Replies [to Busse (2014), Wunderlich (2014), Klemme (2014), Rosefeldt (2014) and Sturm (2014)].” Kantian Review 19(1): 149–159.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2017a. A Kantian Critique of Transparency.” in Kant and the Philosophy of Mind. Perception, Reason, and the Self, edited by Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson, pp. 158–172. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198724957.001.0001.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2017b. Kant on the Faculty of Apperception.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25(3): 589–616.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2017c. The Critical and ‘Empty’ Representation ‘I Think’ .” in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: A Critical Guide, edited by James R. O’Shea, pp. 140–162. Cambridge Critical Guides. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781139871389.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2018a. Guyer on the Value of Freedom.” in Kant on Freedom and Spontaneity, edited by Kate A. Moran, pp. 89–106. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316421888.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2018b. Explaining Freedom in Thought and Action.” in Natur und Freiheit. Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant Kongresses, volume I, edited by Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing, and David Wagner, pp. 185–208. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2020. Kant’s Moral Psychology in the Fact of Reason.” in Psychologie / Psychology, edited by Dina Emundts and Sally Sedgwick, pp. 23–46. Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook of German Idealism, 15 (2017). Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Kitcher, Patricia, ed. 2021. The Self: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190087265.001.0001.
    Kitcher, Patricia. 2023. Kant’s Practical Proof of the Fact of Freedom.” in The Idea of Freedom: New Essays on the Kantian Theory of Freedom, edited by Dai Heide and Evan C. Tiffany, pp. 110–129. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198860563.001.0001.

Further References

    Busse, Ralf. 2014. Transcendental Apperception: Consciousness or Self-Consciousness? Comments on Chapter 9 of Patricia Kitcher’s Kant’s Thinker [on Kitcher (2011a)].” Kantian Review 19(1): 109–117.
    Klemme, Heiner F. 2014. Is the Categorical Imperative the Highest Principle of Both Pure Practical and Theoretical Reason? [on Kitcher (2011a)].” Kantian Review 19(1): 119–126.
    Rosefeldt, Tobias. 2014. Commentary on Chapter 15 of Patricia Kitcher’s Kant’s Thinker [on Kitcher (2011a)].” Kantian Review 19(1): 127–133.
    Sturm, Thomas. 2014. ‘Kant our Contemporary’? Kitcher on the Fruitfulness of Kant’s Theory of the Cognitive Subject [on Kitcher (2011a)].” Kantian Review 19(1): 135–141.
    Wunderlich, Falk. 2014. The Nature of the ‘I Think’: Comments on Chapter 11 of Kant’s Thinker [on Kitcher (2011a)].” Kantian Review 19(1): 143–148.