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Paul G. Kuntz (kuntz-pg)

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Conexus, Philosophic Exchange

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    Kuntz, Paul G., ed. 1968a. The Concept of Order. The Grinnell Symposium. Washington, D.C.: University of Washington Press.
    Kuntz, Paul G. 1968b. Omnipotence: Tradition and Revolt in Philosophical Theology.” The New Scholasticism 42(2): 270–279.
    Kuntz, Paul G. 1974. Aesthetics Applies to Sports as Well as to the Arts.” Philosophic Exchange 5: 25–39.
    Kuntz, Paul G. 1982. The Analogy of Degrees of Being: A Critique of Cajetan’s Analogy of Names.” The New Scholasticism 56(1): 51–79.