Marie La Palme Reyes (lapalmereyes)
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La Palme Reyes, Marie. 1994. “Referential Structure of Fictional Texts.” in The Logical Foundations of Cognition, edited by John Macnamara and Gonzalo E. Reyes, pp. 309–324. Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science n. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
La Palme Reyes, Marie, Macnamara, John and Gonzalo, E. Reyes. 1994. “Reference, Kinds and Predicates.” in The Logical Foundations of Cognition, edited by John Macnamara and Gonzalo E. Reyes, pp. 91–142. Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science n. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
La Palme Reyes, Marie, Macnamara, John, Gonzalo, E. Reyes and Zolfachari, Houman. 1994. “The Non-Boolean Logic of Natural Language Negation II.” Philosophia Mathematica 2(1): 45–68.
La Palme Reyes, Marie, Macnamara, John, Gonzalo, E. Reyes and Zolfachari, Houman. 1995. “A Category-Theoretic Approach to Aristotle’s Term Logic, with Special Reference to Syllogisms.” in Québec Studies in the Philosophy of Science I. Logic, Mathematics, Physics and History of Science. Essays in Honor of Hughes Leblanc, edited by Mathieu Marion and Robert S. Cohen, pp. 57–68. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 177. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
La Palme Reyes, Marie, Macnamara, John, Gonzalo, E. Reyes and Zolfachari, Houman. 1999. “Models for Non-Boolean Negations in Natural Languages Based on Aspect Analysis.” in What is Negation?, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and Heinrich Theodor Wansing, pp. 241–260. Applied Logic Series n. 13. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
La Palme Reyes, Marie, Macnamara, John, Gonzalo, E. Reyes and Zolfachari, Houman. 2002. “Count Nouns, Mass Nouns, and Their Transformations: A Unified Category-Theoretic Semantics.” in Language, Logic, and Concepts, edited by Ray Jackendoff, Paul Bloom, and Karen Wynn, pp. 427–452. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
La Palme Reyes, Marie and Reyes, Gonzalo E. 1993. “The Non-Boolean Logic of Natural Language Negation I.” Unpublished manuscript.