Brian Leftow (leftow)
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Davies, Brian and Leftow, Brian, eds. 2006a. The Cambridge Companion to Anselm. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Davies, Brian and Leftow, Brian. 2006b. “Introduction.” in The Cambridge Companion to Anselm, edited by Brian Davies and Brian Leftow, pp. 1–4. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 1988a. “A Modal Cosmological Argument.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23(3): 159–188.
Leftow, Brian. 1988b. “Anselmian Polytheism.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 23(2): 77–104.
Leftow, Brian. 1989. “Anselm on Omnipresence.” The New Scholasticism 63(3): 326–357.
Leftow, Brian. 1990a. “Necessary Moral Perfection.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 71.
Leftow, Brian. 1990b. “Boethius on Eternity.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 7(2): 123–142.
Leftow, Brian. 1990c. “Aquinas on Time and Eternity.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 64(3): 387–399.
Leftow, Brian. 1991. Time and Eternity. Cornell Studies in the Philosophy of Religion. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 1995. “Can Philosophy Argue God’s Existence?” in The Rationality of Belief and the Plurality of Faith. Essays in Honor of William P. Alston, edited by Thomas D. Senor. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 1997. “Anselm on the Cost of Salvation.” Medieval Philosophy and Theology 6(1): 73–92.
Leftow, Brian. 1999. “Anti Social Trinitarianism.” in The Trinity: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Trinity, edited by Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall, and Gerald O’Collins, pp. 203–250. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in McCall and Rea (2009, 52–88).
Leftow, Brian. 2001a. “Souls Dipped in Dust.” in Soul, Body, and Survival – Essays on the Metaphysics of Human Persons, edited by Kevin Corcoran, pp. 120–138. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2001b. “Presentness, Dates and Eternity.” in The Importance of Time – Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society 1995–2000, edited by L. Nathan Oaklander, pp. 187–198. Philosophical Studies Series n. 87. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Leftow, Brian. 2001c. “Parts, Wholes and Eternity.” in The Importance of Time – Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society 1995–2000, edited by L. Nathan Oaklander, pp. 199–206. Philosophical Studies Series n. 87. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Leftow, Brian. 2002a. “A Timeless God Incarnate.” in The Incarnation. An Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Incarnation of the Son of God, edited by Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall, and Gerald O’Collins, pp. 273–302. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2002b. “The Eternal Present.” in God and Time. Essays on the Divine Nature, edited by Gregory E. Ganssle and David M. Woodruff, pp. 21–48. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195129656.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2002c. “Immutability.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Leftow, Brian. 2003. “Aquinas on Attributes.” Medieval Philosophy and Theology 11(1): 1–41.
Leftow, Brian. 2004. “A Latin Trinity.” Faith and Philosophy 21(3): 304–333. Reprinted in McCall and Rea (2009, 171–200) and in Rea (2009, 76–106).
Leftow, Brian. 2005a. “Power, Possibilia and Non-Contradiction.” The Modern Schoolman 82: 231–243.
Leftow, Brian. 2005b. “Aquinas on God and Modal Truth.” The Modern Schoolman 82: 171–200.
Leftow, Brian. 2005c. “The Ontological Argument.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Religion, edited by William J. Wainwright, pp. 80–115. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0195138090.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2005d. “Eternity and Immutability.” in The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Religion, edited by William E. Mann, pp. 48–79. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470756638.
Leftow, Brian. 2006a. “God and the Problem of Universals.” in Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, volume II, edited by Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 325–356. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199290581.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2006b. “Anselm’s Perfect-Being Theology.” in The Cambridge Companion to Anselm, edited by Brian Davies and Brian Leftow, pp. 132–156. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2007a. “Modes without Modalism.” in Persons. Human and Divine, edited by Peter van Inwagen and Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 357–375. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2007b. “Rowe, Aquinas and God’s Freedom [on Rowe (2004)].” Philosophical Books 48(3): 195–206.
Leftow, Brian. 2009a. “Against Deity Theories.” in Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion, volume II, edited by Jonathan L. Kvanvig, pp. 105–160. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2009b. “Aquinas, Divine Simplicity and Divine Freedom.” in Metaphysics and God. Essays in Honor of Eleonore Stump, edited by Kevin Timpe, pp. 21–38. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion. London: Routledge.
Leftow, Brian. 2009c. “Omnipotence.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology, edited by Thomas P. Flint and Michael C. Rea, pp. 167–198. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2010a. “Soul, Mind, and Brain.” in The Waning of Materialism, edited by Robert C. Koons and George Bealer, pp. 395–415. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199556182.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2010b. “Arguments for God’s Existence.” in The Cambridge History of Medieval Philosophy, volume II, edited by Robert Pasnau and Christina van Dyke, pp. 735–748. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2010c. “Eternity.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Religion, edited by R. Charles Taliaferro, Paul Draper, and Philip L. Quinn, 2nd ed., pp. 278–284. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Leftow, Brian. 2010d. “Necessity.” in The Cambridge Companion to Christian Philosophical Theology, edited by R. Charles Taliaferro and Chad Meister, pp. 15–30. Cambridge Companions to Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2011a. “One Step Toward God.” in Philosophy and Religion, edited by Anthony O’Hear, pp. 67–103. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 68. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2011b. “The Humanity of God.” in The Metaphysics of the Incarnation, edited by Anna Marmodoro and Jonathan Hill, pp. 20–44. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leftow, Brian. 2011c. “Why Perfect Being Theology?” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 69(2): 103–118.
Leftow, Brian. 2012a. God and Necessity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199263356.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2012b. “God’s Impassibility, Immutability, and Eternity.” in The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas, edited by Brian Davies and Eleonore Stump, pp. 173–186. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195326093.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2012c. “God’s Omnipotence.” in The Oxford Handbook of Aquinas, edited by Brian Davies and Eleonore Stump, pp. 187–197. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195326093.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2013. “God’s Deontic Perfection.” Res Philosophica 90(1): 69–95.
Leftow, Brian. 2014a. “Immutability.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Leftow, Brian. 2014b. “Précis of Leftow (2012a).” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6(3): 1–3.
Leftow, Brian. 2014c. “Replies to Oppy (2014), Bøhn (2014) and Forrest (2014).” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6(3): 39–63.
Leftow, Brian. 2014d. “Instants, Events, and God.” in Debates in the Metaphysics of Time, edited by L. Nathan Oaklander, pp. 233–252. Studies in Analytic Philosophy. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books.
Leftow, Brian. 2016. “Naturalistic Pantheism.” in Alternative Concepts of God. Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine, edited by Andrei A. Buckareff and Yujin Nagasawa, pp. 64–89. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198722250.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2017a. “Anselm on Necessity.” in Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, volume V, edited by Robert Pasnau, pp. 1–40. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198806035.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2017b. “Two Pictures of Divine Choice.” in Free Will and Classical Theism: The Significance of Freedom in Perfect Being Theology, pp. 152–173. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190611200.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2017c. “The Nature of Necessity.” Res Philosophica 94(3): 359–383.
Leftow, Brian. 2021. “The Origins of Logical Space.” in The Routledge Handbook of Modality, edited by Otávio Bueno and Scott A. Shalkowski, pp. 49–59. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Leftow, Brian. 2022. Anselm’s Argument: Divine Necessity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192896926.001.0001.
Leftow, Brian. 2024. “Immutability.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Further References
Bøhn, Einar Duenger. 2014. “Divine Contingency [on Leftow (2012a)].” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6(3): 17–23.
Forrest, Peter. 2014. “Not Enough Powers [on Leftow (2012a)].” European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6(3): 25–37.
McCall, Thomas and Rea, Michael C., eds. 2009. Philosophical and Theological Essays on the Trinity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Oppy, Graham. 2014. Describing Gods. An Investigation of Divine Attributes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rea, Michael C., ed. 2009. Trinity, Incarnation, and Atonement. Oxford Readings in Philosophical Theology n. 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rowe, William L. 2004. Can God Be Free? Oxford: Oxford University Press.